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goddess7 last won the day on December 22 2018

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  1. goddess7

    Link keypad on G4+

    I was able to get the can keypad working perfectly with my Link G4+. I also use the "Motorsport" firmware provided by Blink Marine. I don't use PDM. Keypad is connected to the ECU via CAN.
  2. In my log 1, AFR is very lean(65.53) and TP is continued 11.9% when VA2 is turned on. This condition is unusual. I understand the cause. Because I was switching Anti-lag with VA2. Thank you.
  3. Thank you for the reply. I took ECU log without connecting PC for setting. It also got frozen when I switched map with virtual AUX like it happened when I connected it to PC. Log1:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I8dMiplmDUIk9kzRtwkPJmzssBwWkN71/view?usp=sharing This is a log when I switched map with virtual AUX. Log2:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SxIcjWezXxzXkMMdhzw2VUhJ0nV8OGQE/view?usp=sharing This is a log when I switched map with AUX 5 (purge). Tune:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G5MWWlQV1Tdok47K8JwzfbxELOhNAKh8/view?usp=sharing Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it a lot.
  4. Hello Could anyone solve my problem? The ECU gets frozen when I switch map by using virtual AUX. Please check the video I took. I used purge, gear, and timer for SW condition of virtual AUX in order to switch map for fuel economy. The switching map is AFR target overlay and ignition table 2. Similarly, the same incident occurred when I switched to E-throttle target 2 by using virtual AUX for anti-log. If you could help me, I will be delighted. Video 1:https://drive.google.com/file/d/17GRK9F05zmb5QB0_yDlMRGIoh_tvgHOp/view?usp=sharing It freezes when VirtualAUX 2 started operation. Video 2:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2iOLqAF6hF1RXud3Sg4mg-PswGXiZGl/view?usp=sharing The fuel does not get injected because AFR shows “—-“ when Virtual AUX 2 started operation. Video 3:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DTh6L-DfMfSrlPsti_WfqpnkE7dMMrv4/view?usp=sharing It does not freeze when I switch MAP with AUX 5 (purge) instead of virtual AUX. EVO4-8link+ PCB V1.5  PCLink Ver Firmware Ver Thanks.
  5. Mapper's CLL Fuel setting is here. I am based on Mapper's setting now. It works well.
  6. Here is evo10 APS. pin1 : +5V pin2: Sensor Ground pin3 : APS (Main) pin4 : +5V pin5 : Sensor Ground pin6 : APS (Sub)
  7. boost gear wastegate trim table is -100% Evo4-8 default base map is -100% I'd like to fix this in the next update
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