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PC logging workflow


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Short question: If I click on record log(1), then stop log(2), and then record log(3) and stop log(4) again, will I get a log that contains both pieces 1-2 and 3-4, or will I only get piece 3-4 unless I save before clicking record again?

I used to live with the impression that I will get the whole log (1-4) eventually split in 2 sections, but now I am not so sure anymore.

The workflow I am trying to achieve is this: drive the car, hit an interesting spot, park it on the side of the road and inspect the log. I do not necessarily want to stop logging while I inspect the current log, but I have to stop it because otherwise the logging view keeps redrawing and makes reviewing impossible. What's the correct way to do this workflow?



Best regards,


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In the scenario you describe, you will get two separate logs.  Open the log file manager pop out menu from the left of your screen and you will have a list of all the log files in memory.  You can select each one and save it using the save button at the top.

Another tool you may find useful is the log marker, if something interesting happens hit the B key on the keyboard to mark that spot in the log to review later.


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Ok, so I was doing it wrong because if I clicked "save log" after step 4, I was probably saving just the last section (3-4) which was active at the moment. Might be a useful addition to have a save all button with automatic naming based on system time. Thanks!

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