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G4+ Xtreme Red info needed


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Just purchased a used Link G4+ Xtreme Red (wire-in) and as I've scoured through the software and help files, everything references the newer G4+ Xtreme Black model.

I know the Red uses Saturated injection drivers only which is fine, I'm using ID1000's.

From the pinouts in the help files, I assume DI09, and DI10 can only be used as Digital Inputs as I have board revision 1.3b and from what I've gleaned from the help files, this forum and other resources I'm assuming the rest of the pins are identical.

I'm really curious what other differences there are, and where I can get specific help files for the red, if any are still floating around.

Again, Board revision is 1.3b from the decal on the bottom case. I can provide serial # if required.

I've tried to resolve these questions myself and did my due diligence searching and reading through all the help files, and just want some clarification so I don't miss anything!

Thanks in advance!


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I have a red xtreme in one of my applications. 

Yes the red is just Saturated injection drives.

Although I'm not using CAN 2, when I went through the software it does appear that it will work as the options are there(not there in an early g4+storm).  And they would be thru DI9&10.

From what I understood when I got my Red box, it was effectively just a I88 unit with a touch less software functionality and saturated inj drives.  But the newer software brought it up to the same software functionality as the I88.  Then when the I88 went bye bye, the black extreme took its place and received the peak and hold inj drives.

If I'm correct, the only difference should be the injection drives.

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Support for the G4+ Xtreme Black was added in firmware 5.4.1. So if you download a PCLink from before this version then the help files will all be referring to the G4+ Xtreme Red.


Brad is right, mainly the changes were to do with the peak and drive injection hardware and the relay for making CAN 2 available on the pins for DI 9/10 (this was first available on PCB V1.4)


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