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Posts posted by RVL

  1. Hi Guys,

    EGT-K 2CH power consumption is ~2-3mA @ 12V.
    OUT ground is internally connected with IN ground.
    Sensors ground in your ECU is chassis ground with separate filtering for analog circuit - right?

    You can connect it in two ways:

    Using vehicle ground (chassis ground):
    - EGT-K OUT signal to Adc input in ECU
    - EGT-K OUT ground left floating
    - EGT-K VCC input to +IGNITION or +BAT
    - EGT-K GND input to -BAT or chassis ground.

    Using ecu sensor ground:
    - EGT-K OUT signal to Adc input in ECU
    - EGT-K OUT ground to ECU sensor ground
    - EGT-K VCC input to +IGNITION or +BAT
    - EGT-K GND input left floating

    Both cases will work. Second case will be more immune for external noise on ECU's power line.

    Hope it helps.

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