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Everything posted by BlakeR33

  1. The ignition relay energises fuel pump and rad fans, I have isolated them by pulling out the fuse and relays for those items.
  2. Hi Adam, The stranger thing is, when vvti solenoids and o2 sensor is unplugged issue goes away and it all works. The ignition system is a simple toggle switch with fuse inline that supplies a ignition relay that then supplies 109 pin with power.
  3. Hi Adam, I have checked the PIN 109 it has the ignition wire coming from it connected to the ignition switch. I tested it with the fuse pulled out and ecu side it is showing 2.4 volts. For the last 3 weeks it has been working flawlessly and now for some reason has an issue? This issue has cropped up at the same time as the e-throttle issues, I see on a diagram it is meant to have a diode between ignition switch and aux +14v, I don't believe wiring specialties has done that? How best can I diagnose this issue please.
  4. That's what confuses me, because if I turn the ignition switch off PIN 109 shows 0 volts and the engine shuts off the link shows the injectors etc are off. How does it know to turn that off but still thinks the ignition switch is on?
  5. Here is a better log PC Datalog - 2024-05-20 7;15;35 pm.llgx
  6. Hi guys, I have a link G4x controlling a VQ35de in my 350z. It is running a wiring specialties harness. The issues are, the ecu won't turn off now for some reason ECU Hold Power stays active. And intermittently there is E-Throttle issues, maybe the two are linked. Please see attached tune file and log file. Please note: During the log ignition power was turned off 2 or 3 times, but it never showed up on the log? Thank you. Blake V35 - 190KW.pclx PC Datalog - 2024-05-20 6;32;27 pm.llgx
  7. Hello, I would like to use both CAN Lambda and have an extension loom to control two fan relays. Unfortunately the factory fans are controlled over CAN and with my setup I'd need a analogue way of triggering the relays. Is that possible with this ECU, I believe I already have the Can JST cable plugged into the ecu? Thank you.
  8. Hi guys, I have a 350z link ecu plugin and unfortunately the VQ turned out to be a boat anchor, so it's been replaced with a L98 6 litre LS engine. Is it possible to send the ECU into Link and pay to have the header plug changes to suit a LS standalone loom from wiring specialties? Thank you.
  9. Hi Adam, Seems like I got lucky spent an hour after making that post checking over the O2 sensors. I swapped two sensors from another good engine I have, plug them in and ecu turns off with ignition. If I unplug the sensors, then turn ecu on and take away ignition they stay on. Is that normal? Thank you.
  10. Legend thanks Adam. I pried the cover off, the pins going into the ecu connector have a rubber seal around them which makes it hard to back probe. Is it a bad idea to put a little nick in the wire to test them with a meter? Here is a screenshot of what the ECU sees; The only thing I find strange is the O2 sensors show they are active but currently nothing is plugged into those plugs? Could that auxiliary be the one causing the ecu hold power to stay on? Is there a way to manually deactivate ecu hold power in the software to see if the ecu will turn itself off? Thank you for the support, Link #1.
  11. Hi Adam, how do I check voltage on those pins the connector looks like this
  12. Hi Confused, bar ECU power everything else has been disconnected to try and diagnose the issue. I am lost, have paid $600 for an autosparky to go thru it and he believes it is the ECU. Never had an issue with a Link before and run them in my 2 other cars but it is looking that way maybe.
  13. Hi mate, I used the base map and just did the map/tps calibration, turned off fuel cut and played with the master trim. Just in an effort to bleed the cooling system and found the ecu staying on issue. Nissan 350Z Auto trans twin VVT 7Bar G4X Xtreme Plugin.pclx
  14. Hi guys, I have a 2005 vq35de 350z with a G4X plugin. For some reason the ecu will not turn off with ignition off. I can have the key out of the ignition and the ecu will still connect to the laptop even after an hour or so.. Only way to turn it off is to disconnect the battery. I can refit the factory ecu with uprev, and its not a problem so I believe it is the ECU fault? I have tried to reach out to LINK support to talk to someone, but it seems they only do it for Dealers unless you E-Mail.
  15. Hi guys, I have a Link G4X controlling my 2005 350z. It has been working fine for the last 4 or so months. This morning I found my battery is drained, jump started car everything is fine. But through investigating found even with ignition off ecu continues to stay powered up and drawing ~2amps. Even after an hour it keeps drawing power, only way to stop it is to of course disconnect the battery. I have replaced the ECCS relay and same result. Would this be an ECU fault or wiring?
  16. Hi Adam, I am referring to the electric condenser fan. When I had the Apexi it use to engage this fan as soon as the ac clutch was enabled. The link doesn't do this for some reason?
  17. Hi guys I have a Link G4+ in an ECR33. Trying to get the Condenser fan to work, I have the AC setup to trigger aux 9 which i've set to Engine Fan 1 when the ac clutch is engaged. It won't do anything, there is engine fan 2 and 3 options which I have tried and they also don't work. If I manually close the relay, the fan works so I know theres no issues there. Car doesn't get warm, just find the aircon stops working in traffic. Thank you :)
  18. I'm not a tuner but I was just wondering, I thought the whole point of tuning was to make sure you don't get knock? Is 265 counts of knock a high level? I'm only asking because on my Apexi PowerFC I use to get about 10 counts of knock if I pushed it really hard, but now with my Link I don't get any knock at all? Cheers.
  19. Any ideas this really has me stumped.
  20. 1997 R33 Skyline GTS25T. Up till a couple months ago ecu was displaying wheel speed well. For some reason now it is no longer showing it. Only thing I have touched wiring wise is cutting a wire for the hicas ecu which puts the hicas light on the dash after installing a delete kit. I am going to try and reconnect this wire tomorrow and see if it fixes the issue. The Yellow/Green wire on the ecu is for Vehicle speed and probing it with a multimeter in ac or dc mode, it does not give a reading. Any ideas?
  21. It turns out it was overboost causing the engine light to come on, it was under the limit for boostcut but was over the boost target. Strange how the ecu doesn't store that data though so you can find out what the light was for.
  22. Hi guys, does a Link G4+ not store fault codes from the engine light coming on? It was coming on over 5500rpm, but not hitting a boost cut or anything. Obviously as soon as I saw it, I got out of it. Left car running when I got home and plugged my laptop into it, but I couldn't find anything stored in the ecu? Any ideas? Cheers.
  23. Hey Adam, want to say thanks for all the help you give on this forum a lot of your posts have helped me. I have tried setting up the extended channels, and got it to work with boost target, fuel temp but it won't work with the ethanol content.
  24. Hi guys, I have a non branded gaugeart (I understand the haltech ones have issues with link ecu). Most of the options work except for flex fuel content. I know it definitely works because I have a flex fuel sensor and in pclink it shows the content. Any ideas how I can get it to display on the gaugeart? At the moment it shows 0% but 21% on pc link.
  25. can link g4+ delete iacv without going dbw?
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