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    Oldmanz350 reacted to BeallJK in Infiniti g35 (350z) Digital Input #1 - VVT LH off??   
    Hey guys - I hope everyone is doing well and I was hoping to get a little help on a issue that I believe is causing a no-start
    The chassis is a 2003 infiniti g35 coupe (350z) with the VQ35DE engine.  I am transferring the Link g4+ that was in my 350z to this g35coupe.
    Essentially will be running the same setup and did a copy/paste/save-as.
    This setup was, for a few weeks running an OEM ECU with an old-school haltech redbox before upgrading and the car started, ran, drove fine on that setup.
    I cannot get the engine to start / run and I suspect its due to the left side / passenger side VVT (cam shaft position sensor) not sync'ing with the crank shaft position sensor. 
    I do get an RPM reading from Trigger 1 (Crank Shaft Position Sensor, IIRC) and both Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 have connectivity (via runtime values menu). 
    But I cannot get anything from DI #1 - it just says 'off' 
    I also tried using the Link Trigger Scope and I do not think it showed any movement on the sensors.
    I did hook-up a hand-help oscilloscope to each of the cam shaft position sensors and the crank shaft position sensors and when cranked(attempted to start) I am seeing voltage on each single pin.
    Also, hooked up a basic volt-meter to each signal and I am getting voltage movement while cranking.  
    Checked good grounds of each circuit 
    Checked good 12v power supply of each circuit
    Checked good continuity back to the ECU (pins 13, 14, & 33) 
    If anyone has a minute to review my current tune, a datalog taken while cranking, and the attached screen shots - any and all help would be appreciated. 

    g35 Basemap.pclr 2024-02-10.llg
  2. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Simon in staged injection   
    Hi Mark.
    You can use the Aux injection function to do what you are after. It will give you a ms based table to control the flow of additional methanol.
    It will then have no effect on the main injection.
  3. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in advice setting Closed Loop Lambda   
    From memory the gain and update rate table examples given by me above are from my Evo road car (pretty much dead stock evo 7) the lambda probe is very close to the turbine outlet probably at the most 500mm from the exhaust port, in this car I have the reactivation delay set to 3 samples.  In our WRX11 test car which also has the probe right after the turbine - but has much longer manifold primaries etc (probably more like 1500mm from port to probe) I have reactivation delay set to 5 samples.  The update rate table is similar in both cars, the subaru could actually do with less than 1Hz at idle as it takes about 3 secs to respond to a change of PW but 1Hz is currently the lowest it can do. 
    So what this means is in my evo with the reactivation delay set to 3 samples, if CLL was temporarily disabled due to over-run fuel cut or similar around idle where my update rate is 1Hz (1 sample per second), then CLL would be re-enabled 3 secs later.  To give an example at the other end of the table, if I hit the RPM limit at 7000RPM where my update rate was 10Hz, then CLL would be disabled for only 0.3s.    
  4. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in CLL - Minimum lockout parameters & LTFT table setup   
    You can just put zeros in your 3D trim limit tables where you dont want CLL to operate.  
    Not possible as the LTFT table uses a GP table which has a max cell count of 16 x 11, whereas the main fuel table cell count is 22 x 20.  If your Fuel table is 16 x 11 or less then you can use the import/export tool to copy it to the LTFT to get the same axes.
  5. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in Have Not Updated Software in a Long Time   
    The most important one I see in the list that may affect you is to check the base timing after updating.  There was a change in 6.20 that moved the trigger offset by 1 tooth with the trigger some missing tooth trigger modes.  
  6. Like
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from Vaughan in Have Not Updated Software in a Long Time   
    Thank You Vaughan !  
  7. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Vaughan in Have Not Updated Software in a Long Time   
    Before updating read the PCLink and Firmware release notes to see what has been changed between your version and the version you are updating too, important things that need checking are often highlighted in red but it is a good idea to check everything.
    After updating you can do a compare between your ecu on the new firmware and a copy of your basemap on the old firmware to see what has changed or been added in your tune.
  8. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to aerace_fab in Bosch 82mm Throttle   
    No difference as long as its a reputable source for the TB. 
    When you set it up, in the help file > wiring > input signal wiring > analog inputs > Throttle / accelerator position > specific tps/aps applications 
    select - Bosch. It will have all of your needed PID information, PWM Frequency and tps main/sub voltage values. 
    As far as wiring goes that's gonna be easy. 
    pin 4 - aux 10 motor -
    pin 5 - aux 9 motor +
    pin 50 - TPS main analog volt 2
    pin 69 - TPS sub analog volt 4 
    pin 66 - TPS ground signal
    pin 47 - TPS 5v 
    pin point test from your factory plug, crimp on the new pins and pin them out following the chart in the help file I mentioned above. 
  9. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in 350Z knock detection   
    Knock typically initiates well after TDC, 10-50ATDC.  On a well optimised engine the peak combustion press will be around 15ATDC, on poorly optimised knock limited road car engine the peak cyl press will be more like 25ATDC, when knock does occur the biggest shock wave is often the first one right around the normal PCP but it can sometimes start off smaller and grow during the expansion phase so this is why you want to monitor for sometime after this point also.

  10. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in MIxture map and closed loop Lambda   
    Long term fuel trim works really well and that will likely do what you want.  It just builds up a "correction table" that you use to correct the main fuel table.  
    If you want to use the mixture map with CLL and long term fuel trim active then you can use a math channel to generate a new "Lambda without correction" channel.  Then in the mixture map set the wideband source as the math channel.  An example below, if you look at time plot where the yellow cursor is, my measured lambda was 0.984, at that time I had a -5.0% CLL trim and a -0.3% long term trim.  The math channel has calculated my lambda would have been 0.932 if CLL and long term trim was off, so this is the value we would use for the mixture map.  
    Here is my math channel, im not sure the math is quite correct but it gives results close enough.

  11. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to dx4picco in Raising Fuel Pressure - Adjusting Fuel Map   
    If you are in modelled mode with accurate injector data
    Only raising the working pressure in the settings would do it. 
  12. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in Raising Fuel Pressure - Adjusting Fuel Map   
    The effect of fuel pressure is relatively small.  If you are not in modelled mode then your flow will increase by the square root of new press/old press.
    So for example if new pressure was 50psi and old pressure was 45psi the flow increase would be sqrt(50/45)=1.054, or roughly a 5.4% increase in flow.
  13. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in Share your Math Channel List   
    Not to take anything away from you post, I love to see these ideas coming through - but Im just mentioning this in case you werent already aware of the "quick trim" function that has been around since the G4, it will do this same basic calculation and apply the result to the fuel table for you (you still need to manually type in the measured value though).  If you have a log open and the fuel map on the same page, click on the cell in the fuel map that you want to adjust, then hit the M key, it will grab the target lambda from the lambda target table, you enter the measured lambda from the log and it will apply the correction to that cell for you.
  14. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to koracing in G4x xtreme - Autotune   
    One thing I recommend doing with the LTT is to try and set the axis break points to match your fuel table break points as much as possible in the regions where you want to have the LTT active.  I wish the LTT table was as large as the fuel tables, but it is not.
  15. Like
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from Vaughan in Speed Source Setup, 350Z, Link G4X PnP   
    I'm Blind, got it! 
  16. Haha
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Vaughan in Speed Source Setup, 350Z, Link G4X PnP   
    You're logging the CAN Freq values aren't you, you need to be logging the LF, LR, RF and RR Wheel Speed values.
  17. Like
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from JeremiahJ in SPAM on LINK Forum   
    Hi, a New Member just sent me a message, but it's SPAM, SCAM or Porn with a link to open.
    Can you please review this New Member ( alinkaa )
    Thank You,
    Tim Hampton
  18. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Adamw in SPAM on LINK Forum   
    Thanks, I woke to several similar reports this morning, it seems to be all related to the same user so they have been flagged as a spammer and all posts/messages should now have been removed.  
  19. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from koracing in SPAM on LINK Forum   
    Hi, a New Member just sent me a message, but it's SPAM, SCAM or Porn with a link to open.
    Can you please review this New Member ( alinkaa )
    Thank You,
    Tim Hampton
  20. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Vaughan in g4x error: 1019 LINK_NOT_RESPONDING_CORRECTLY   
    If you're not having issues with the ECU disconnecting unexpectedly then you can ignore the error message. They were made visible so that we could get better feedback from people experiencing connection issues but don't affect the operation of the ECU.
  21. Like
    Oldmanz350 reacted to koracing in g4x error: 1019 LINK_NOT_RESPONDING_CORRECTLY   
    I understand what you're saying.  It just so happens that I tried this before seeing your message in this forum.  I still felt like sharing my results despite that. 
    I personally don't feel like it should be up to the user to have to disconnect from the ecu each time we power down the car to avoid these types of messages.  I understand this may be a temporary software change to help figure out the disconnecting issue, so I'm not too worried.
  22. Like
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from Vaughan in Normalised knock   
    Awesome...... Thanks Vaughan
  23. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Vaughan in Normalised knock   
    Current release is 6.19.105, you need to download and install a new PCLink from the website and install the firmware that comes with it.
  24. Thanks
    Oldmanz350 reacted to Vaughan in Normalised knock   
    This is what I have on my 2GR (3.5L Naturally  aspirated v6) MR2, I did play around with it quite a bit so unsure how optimal this setup is but it should be a good starting point.

  25. Like
    Oldmanz350 got a reaction from Vaughan in Normalised knock   
    My ECU said, Firmware is V6.18.11, up to date.
    But when I looked online, found more updates......
    Wow, you guys update a lot..... 
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