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Posts posted by PolePosition

  1. Hi, I am setting up my Link fury in my m52. I am using the newer/more normal m54 sensor as many do. I checked pinout, pin 1 12v, pin 2 signal (5v pullup) and pin 3 shielded ground. I am getting crank trigger as well. Any idea on what I could be doing wrong? Maybe cam pins are different? Please see attached scope

    cam issue.JPG

  2. Hi all, I have a Link Fury controlling a Turbo BMW M52 engine. I just added a DCT transmission behind it, and that requires me to tap into a few signals such as TPS and RPM. Getting TPS isn't an issue, however the LINK ecu can only output a 12v rpm signal it seems. I need 5v for the DCT transmission controller to work correctly. Any ideas on how to convert or change the output? I did some research but I am not an electrical engineer and a lot of it was over my head. 

    Top RPM will be 8500 rpm


    Maybe some sort of converter box that can keep up?


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