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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi David, I forgot to mention my website which is www.protuningcairns.com I do remote tuning and can also log into your ECU to help you set it up and get you underway and help give you advise etc. Only if you want it. Regards Dave PRO Tuning.
  2. Hi David, I read your post this morning and I even commented on it. I don't see anything that has been changed in your posts, unless you posted something before I went online and read them. Once again I find the LINK /ViPEC range very user friendly and easy to navigate and tune. I tune a substantial variety of ECU's and picked up on navigating my way around very quickly. As Simon stated in your other post, you only need to right click on anything your not sure of, a "WHAT'S THIS" will pop up an explain the function. If you want even more info, go to the HELP file type in the search box what you are looking for and it will come up with a list of options to choose from, highlight that option and click on "DISPLAY" I personally don't know of any ECU manufacturer that gives you a "HOW TO TUNE INSTRUCTION MANUAL". If you need a manual on "HOW TO TUNE" then I strongly advise you DON'T try to tune. Incorrect settings or setups with in the software can cause severe engine failure when not done by a professional tuner or someone who has experience in these procedures. I am not trying to be an ARS#HOLE, I am just trying to give you some down to earth advise. I strongly advise you give serious consideration to joining up to the HPA HIGH PERFORMANCE ACADEMY. Here is their link  http://www.learntotune.com/ There are many courses available and it is excellent value for money. You get to join in on tuning webinars that cover a vast variety of tuning how too's from dyno tuning to road tuning. Setting up and TUNING the LINK G4 etc, etc, There are so many topics, videos and webinars available as well as the FORUM. You actually have a very nice and quite sophisticated ECU with great software, please don't trash it and bad mouth it out of frustration. Plus slandering it all over the internet on other forums is really uncalled for and will achieve nothing for yourself. If you are so very reliant on this "HOW TO TUNE MANUAL" then HPA is the place for you. So do yourself a favour and check out their site and give it a go. Regards Dave. PRO Tuning.
  3. Hi all, I would like to make you all aware of the release of the new Nissan 350Z ViPEC i88 based PNP ecu. This is the 350Z PNP unit. These units are ready to sell now. They are an all aluminium housing with blue powder coating, I think they look sweet. Regards Dave.
  4. I always use relays on my Aux O/P even if driving LED'S I use a mini relay. Regards Dave.
  5. I believe the LINK / ViPEC  products  to be among the easiest to tune and navigate around and I tune a lot of different brand ECU's. Venting in such a way on other forums I believe may make you a little stupid. Sorry, just wanted to make a point, if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. If you ask for the appropriate help instead of going off, you will find a lot of helpful people on this forum. Sometimes you may not receive what you wish for and then someone such as myself can come to your aid. But NOT with that attitude. Have a good day sir. Regards Dave.
  6. Hi I forgot to mention, The cable you are looking at with the RJ45 socket is the dash programming cable, they use Ethernet communications for programming via your laptop and downloading log files, very fast. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi Paul, Yes you will be able to use the MoTeC loom, however you will need to buy a LINK SERIAL/CAN CABLE. This cable plugs into the CAN port on your G4, PINS 3 and 4 are your CAN HI and CAN LO wires. PIN 3 CAN HI = WHITE PIN 4 CAN LO = GREEN. The MoTeC loom will have a 2 pin deautsch connector (mini) and the wire colours will be the same CAN HI White and CAN LO Green. Just check the dash manual, because if the dash is at the end of your CAN BUS you will need to put a 1/4 watt 120 ohm terminating resistor across CAN HI an CAN LO at the dash, the earlier dashes never had a resistor and it is up to you to fit one. If the dash is paralleled on the CAN BUS and another CAN device is at the end of the CAN BUS the dash will not require the resistor. You will be able to find the cable and accessories here on the LINK site under ACCESSORIES CAN COMMUNICATION or something like that. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi mate, there are two different types of CAL setups you can use , CAL type 1 to 3 and the CAL and CAL types 4 to 6. I have supplied a screen shot of both types setup to suit your application. Either one will work, but the first Cal file setup using CAL 1 will be more accurate due to exact ohm or volt scaling that have been supplied by the manufacturer. In the CAL table 1 example you adjust the starting temp value and the table increments to suit your needs. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi, you can disable the idle control if you don't wish to use it. Default,the Injector drive 7 is the Auxillay running the idle control, select OFF. Are you opting to use throttle blade air gap and idle ignition table strategy to control the idle speed. Regards Dave
  10. Hi Marty, I have checked with the engineers at Haltech, they are happy to send us the CAN DATA PROTOCOL , however they will not give out the data format from the WBC1 or the WBC2. This code is encrypted and done to protect there intellectual property, which is there right and I completely understand there wishes. The WBC1 and WBC 2 can be used with any ViPEC ECU , when used with analogue volt inputs. The WBC1 has 1 analogue volt output and the WBC2 has 2 analogue volt outputs. I have attached a screen shot of the schematics for you. NOTE the ANALOGUE VOLT O/P option is only supplied with the WBC2 loom. Regards Dave.
  11. Hi, just open your PCL file and go to the HELP tab on the top right. Â Click on the ECU Information tab and you will get all the info there. Then to confirm firmware version, click on the ABOUT TAB. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi, LINK sell ballast resistor kits. Regards Dave.
  13. Hi Binny, Ok no worries, great that you have sorted it. Just one more thing to check also is the analogue volt output settings. It has been many years since I have played with one of these, I thought in the software you could adjust the AFR : Voltage scale via the innovate software. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi, can you post your PCL file. Also if you have changed your injectors out for bigger ones, you will need to change your fuel master value and do a retune or check it at least. Regards Dave.
  15. Hi, well that is good news. Yes you must use Smart coils, such as LS1, ignition module or CDI unit for ignition control. The ignition output drivers are not designed to drive coils directly. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi all, just a quick note to let you all know there is a new VTS release available for download for V series ECU's. It is VTS VER 4.10.2 Regards Dave.
  17. Hi Dima, sorry for not giving you the complete information. :oops: I have attached the full set up. You are correct in you thoughts of how to set this up. I have also added a screen shot of the same setup but I have added a Virtual AUX for some extra control. This way you could leave the DI turned on and when other conditions are met in the Virtual AUX the Overlay table would become active, just an extra idea for you. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi, Sorry for the delayed reply, I have been tuning two different cars with V88's for two different workshops on the same day, driving back and forth as they fixed problems. Today I am fully flogged. Anyway, that is very good news regarding your sensor cals, I haven't really come across a sensor that a cal can't be created for. Sometimes it calls for being a little creative ,using hot air guns, freezers, electronic thermometers, laser temp guns and a multimeter Good luck with your project and if you get stuck , just post away. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi Dima, I have attached a screen shot of how to activate the AFR overlay. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi, your voltage will read lower because you have a 1 k ohm resistor in parallel with you an volt input, you must consider that the resistance of the sensor is added also, which in total will reduce the voltage, this voltage will go up and down dependant on the temperature which will vary the sensors resistance value. If your Runtime values show the 5 volt supply as being happy then all should be good. You just need to clarify your sensor calibration is correct for each of your new temp inputs and you should be good to go. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi, I would also suggest when you have everything connected and running with your laptop connected to your ECU and online, going to the RUNTIME VALUES by pressing F12 on your keyboard, then go to the ECU STATUS TAB. On the left hand side of this window will have ECU VOLTAGES, look at the Analogue Supply Volts and make sure you haven't overloaded the circuit. This voltage should be very close to 5 volts at all times. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi, you must run the 1K ohm (1000 ohm resistor) for this to work. So you are planning on running 4 ANALOGUE VOLT INPUTS as TEMP inputs is this correct. All AN VLT I/P's must have a 1 K ohm pull up fitted to each input for them to work. DO NOT DAISEY CHAIN from one AN VLT I/P to the next otherwise the supply voltage will be less at each input. I have attached the schematics from the HELP file on how to setup the analogue volt input for TEMP sensors. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi, I forgot top ask earlier ,sorry. Is the sensor a NTC or PTC (negative temp co efficient or positive temp co-efficient). what value resistor have you used for your pull up from 5 volt to the analogue volt input ? (1K = 1000 ohms). what CAL TABLE did you use and how have you set it up ? If you are unsure of your CAL TABLE setup, post up the volt or ohm to degrees C or F calculation relationship and I will generate a CAL for you. Can you please post the P/No of the sensor , I did a search on the VDO site and it doesn't exist under that number. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi Blaine, I forgot to mention if you are a ViPEC Dealer just log into the Dealer Only Area, not the Dealer Forum. You can log in to access your unlock codes from there. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi Blaine, please give me the serial number of the ECU and I should be able to get your unlock code for you. There maybe a sticker on the case or the box that the ECU came in with the serial number. If not just go online to the ECU and CLICK on the HELP tab, then click on ECU INFORMATION, the serial number will be in the list of information. Regards Dave.
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