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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi , you can use any VOLT INPUT as a TEMP input as long as you use an external pull up resistor. You can find how to terminate this setup in the HELP file, under analogue inputs. You will then need to setup a CAL TABLE to suite your temperature. You will need to know the volt/ degrees c or ohm/ degrees c scaling of your temp sensor to create a proper CAL TABLE. Setup your volt input as GP TEMP and select a CAL TABLE. I have attached a couple of different examples for you of how you can achieve this. Regards Dave.
  2. Hi Paul, yes PC logging is a lot better. When setting up, just highlight all the selected parameters on the right side of the screen and then hit REMOVE ALL. Then select the parameters you wish to log. This will free up even more space and speed things up for you. Otherwise you have a bazillion parameters to sort through. Regards Dave.
  3. You two guys are making me jealous, big Nissan power (SWEET) in small body Nissan's. Can't get any better can it. Regards Dave.
  4. Once again very nice. I have setup a new business called PRO Tuning. My new email address is [email protected] My website is still under construction, link is http://www.protuningcairns.com I forgot to mention is that a TIAL Turbine housing I spot there, round port flange. Regards Dave
  5. Congratulations, very well done. Now that is an excellent conversion. RB26 DET in an S14, fully sick. I have to confess I am a Nissan freak when it comes to Japanese stuff, although I have done some damn tuff 2JZ's Regards Dave.
  6. Hi Bill, you state that you have wired the strain gauge into an analogue input and it works as it should, but the gear cut still doesn't work. Sorry I am a little confused about this. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi, at present I can only see you being able to wire the strain gauge into DI4 (CLUTCH SWITCH) if it is an ON/OFF type switch and setting the active edge to High or Low depending on the output of the switch. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi, So is the gear strain input a variable voltage from 0 -5 volt like a TPS, or is it an on/off switch with 0 volts inactive and 5 volts active or visa versa. If it is an on/off switch then there is no problem the DI can be setup as HIGH or LOW switching, however if it is a variable switch this could definitely create an issue. I will have a play and see if I can come up with something if it is variable. I have never seen a stain gauge with a variable voltage output, normally they are on or off. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi Trophy, anytime, no problem, that is what this forum I about everyone helping each other. I would advise checking for the strongest vacuum signal with a vacuum gauge for the vacuum source for the fuel pressure regulator. I am not familiar with you engine so I don't know the inlet manifold design or layout with the individual throttles and getting a vacuum reference strong enough for the reg. Sometimes on multi throttle applications I make up what I call a vacuum log, I run a hose from each vacuum source at the ITB and common them to an aluminium rail i have made up. I then run a vacuum hose from the vacuum log to the regulator and / or MAP sensor if required. Regards Dave.
  10. Hi Trophy, Firstly is your fuel pressure regulator MAP referenced, fuel pressure should increase as the throttle is cracked and Manifold pressure drops, to give initial enrichment. What fuel pressure are you running, min for an ID INJ ECTOR is around 43 psi static. Are the dead times setup correctly for your ID 1000 injectors and the fuel pressure you are running. What RPM's do you suffer this fault. My experience also with multiple butterfly or even single butterfly engines with lean accelerator enrichment issues is that they will, what I like to call"" LEAN SNEEZE"". They will give off like a chuff type sound or if lean enough a good backfire out through the intake. Which being a Porsche would I imagine be hard to distinguish, as everything is in the rear. Anyway the fact that you go momentarily lean and then it reads very rich to me, unless you have a LEAN SNEEZE or Backfire, indicates your ACCEL ENRICH is set up to deliver to much fuel. The AFR meter will read momentarily lean due to excess fuel and there being a greater unburnt oxygen content in the exhaust, once it clears itself a little and starts to burn the mixture a little better the mixture then begins to read rich. Remember an AFR meter Lambda meter what ever is measuring oxygen content not fuel content in the exhaust. You have ACCEL SENSITIVITY at 150 for a start, I have never seen a setting this high before not even on 6 throttle big cammed cranky GTR's. Is your fuel table and timing table tuned correctly. There is no point chasing your tail and trying to tune out an issue with a trimming input if the base tune is not correct. The base fuel table being incorrectly tuned can lead to way out there numbers such as 150 for sensitivity etc. I suggest you data log a run with smooth throttle transitions and check your AFR against the Target, if they are close, then check you don't have a HOLE in your timing curve with values to low for what the engine needs to produce torque to accelerate away without the bog down. Finally, I set the ACCEL SENSITIVITY back to a realistic value of say 30 to 40, I would then adjust the ACCEL LOAD CORRECTION table, those numbers look to clinical to me to be correct for your setup. Remember take small steps and don't change 16 tables at once. Keep it simple , adjust sensitivity rate and Accel Load Correction and see how you go. Make sure you read all of this and understand it. From the regulator and the fuel pressure all the way to the end. Once again the accel settings will not in most cases help poor transitional tuning in the main fuel table. Regards Dave.
  11. Hi Paul, I understand some of what you are saying as Simon has stated most of what you want is there if you know what and where to look for it. I had the reverse problem, coming from these standalone ECU's such as ViPEC to using FC EDIT. Getting used to RPM being referred to strange no1 , no2, no3, etc, and load as 12838 etc , etc. You are comparing chalk to cheese here. Spend some more time playing with the software to familiarise yourself. Just create practice PCL files and page layouts. Experiment with changing colours etc, you will soon see just how powerful and well laid out this software really is. Realistically, this is my opinion only, FC LOGIT software is very agricultural, compared to VTS, iVTS , ETC. No offence to anyone. Just my opinion. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi David, just double check the ignition feed 12 volt supply to the coil +ve goes to 0 volt when the Ignition is turned off. Regards Dave.
  13. Hi, No your speed should read speed in KM/H. Number of gears selected is definitely important. Going by the fact that your speed is working when the vehicle moves I believe your engine and ECU setup to be a JDM EVO 8. Which is listed under the Mitsubishi EVO 9 help file last column. Can you recalibrate the gears with the correct number of gears selected and see how you go. Then post your PCL FILE and your layout file also out of curiosity. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi David, Is your idle mixture rich or are you running aggressive camshafts. When the ECU is turned off, all outputs are switched to ground. If there is any unburnt fuel there is a chance that an ignition O/P fires due to being switched to ground, any excess fuel/air mixture left in the cylinder may get a partial combustion event. What ignition system are you running, COP, Ignition module or CDI system. Heat can contribute to this also with fuel vapour left in cylinders from rich mixtures. I have also seen some customers cars do this when they have the incorrect trigger edge selected. Regards Dave.
  15. Hi Paul, That is how the external knock module works as It goes through signal conditioning etc , to supply a signal back to the ECU. the earlier V44 series don't have the onboard conditioning circuitry to achieve what you are saying, that is why an external device must be used to interface to your ECU. They added this however to the later PNP 's that have onboard knock control due to the V88 board being used. Unfortunately we can't just fit a V88 topboard to the V44 base board either. Unfortunately the answer is external device or upgrade to an i88 topboard ECU. The other beauty of upgrading to a new i88 topboard PNP is you also get dual can bus and all the fruit of an i88 standalone with less inputs and outputs. However I am not 100% sure but I think from memory they also carry 2 onboard expansion cable sockets expanding your AN volt and Digital inputs also.. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi Paul, unfortunately your ECU is a v44 topboard PNP. The V88 topboard PNP to suit the EVO'S have internal Knock Control. Regards Dave.
  17. Ouch, could be faulty valve manufacture. But I would also check the valve to valve guide clearances. Remembering that these things get hot, not as hot as the exhaust, but they still need the correct clearances. Check all valve stem to guide clearances on all valves. Just to be sure. I would also replace all of the valves to a different brand to be safe. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi, just curious if there has been any update on this issue. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi Paul, can you confirm the ECU connector plug layout as per Simon's description above please. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi , unusual for an inlet valve to go. Could be bad production. The only time I have seen an inlet valve failure was in a customers 555 cu/in twin turbo ski boat race engine, these engines run over 0.850 thou lift roller camshafts with like 750 -800 lbs on the nose of the cam spring pressure.. These engines normally run at 5800 - 6800 rpm for 40 mins plus with anything from 7 psi to 18 psi depending on the load. So one can understand valve failures in these cases. But strange for what has happened to you. Retainer and collets ok, or valve has just snapped. Did it break on the stem or did the valve head break off. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi Sean, at the end of the day the REV LIMITER is there to serve a purpose, it is to help save the engine. The way I see it as soon as rev limit is active you shift gear or back off. It is amazing (not referring to you in anyway) how many people out there think that holding an engine on a rev limiter or boost cut is safe. It couldn't be further from the truth, fuel cut limiters lean the engine out, ignition cut limiters can destroy turbos, but can also damage big end bearings ,main bearings, pistons etc. So in a perfect world when one sees the shift light come on or the limiter kick in , then BACK OFF or CHANGE GEARS. Extending limiting times etc on 100 HP or 5000 HP really ends up with the same consequences at the end of the day, if the limiter is abused , then the engine ultimately gets abused. Regards Dave.
  22. Yes your words speak truth, we are lucky to have such an feature packed and reliable ECU, for a very reasonable price. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi yes, 99% of the time just use standard rev limit with fuel % cut. So if you wish to rev the engine and have hard cut at say 7500 rpm then the ECU will soft touch limit the engine approx. 250 rpm lower than your set rev limit value. If I want the engine to rev limit at 7500 rpm I set the limit table to 7750 rpm, soft cut will cut in at 7500 and if you keep pushing hard the full cut will activate at 7750. But the soft cut is quite effective and you can definitely feel it. This type of setup is by far a lot kinder to the turbocharger. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi, all, This is a perfect example including myself of not reading the entire firmware upgrade information at the start of the upgrade process. We must all make sure we read and understand the new changes before carrying out the upgrade. Like they also state ,DO NOTDO AN UPGRADE BEFORE A BIG CAR RACE ETC, INCASE SOMETHINGGOES WRONG. Thankfully now days we can revert to an earlier version via the software, but we couldn't when it was still DOS based. Regards Dave :oops:
  25. Hi, I have downloaded your PCL I just had a quick look as I have to go do some dyno work now. May I ask why you want to used the advanced RPM limit mode when the standard rev limit works so well, you just have to put the limit level 250 rpm higher than the rev limit value you wish to use. Regards Dave.
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