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Dave Kriedeman

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Everything posted by Dave Kriedeman

  1. Hi Bob, 1. Am I correct in assuming you wish for the values you set  within the boost table to be PSI instead of KPa. 2. Or do you wish to use PSI as an AXIS (such as the Y axis) on the boost table. Answer Number 1 = NO only on the new G4+ SERIES Answer Number 2 = There is a choice of MGP PSI (PSI) on the Y axis. However I believe your question to be number 1 and therefore your answer number 1. Regards Dave.
  2. Hi, just a couple of quick questions, did you calibrate the MAP sensor and the TPS and then press F4 to save to the ECU. I had a look at your runtime values and all seems to be ok. However on closer inspection of your PCL file I discovered that your Warm Up Enrichment Table is set to flat 0 at all load sites. Also your post start enrichment tables are all flat 0. What is the AFR when you rev the engine to the point it runs bad or cuts out. Does your TPS have a good constant increasing voltage and % as you open the throttle with the runtime values page open, press F12 and select the analogue input tab. Looking at the runtime values you ECT is around 61 deg c and the IAT is around 18 deg c, this would normally require some extra enrichment. Your IAT trim table is also set at 0 at these sites. Are you running normal fuel or E85 or similar. Seems as though you are running too rich at the point of issue or too lean at that point due to no enrichments being applied. However these are just assumptions, we need to monitor the AFR at the problem point. Have you pulled the sparkplugs out and inspected them to see what is happening in the combustion process too rich or lean. I take it the ignition timing is definitely correct. Regards Dave.
  3. Hi Andi, Yes upgrading the firmware is always advisable. Download PC LINK 4.9.9 Connect your ECU to your laptop with PC LINK 4.9.9. Turn the ignition ON. Go to the ECU CONTROLS TAB 3 RD tab along at the top of the page. Select UPDATE FIRMWARE. Read the page carefully, Because your firmware is a few versions old, you maybe presented with a few different firmware update versions. Make sure you select 4.9.9. Read the update notes so you know if you require to make any changes to you PCL file after the upgrade, but also to let you know of the fixes and the added features of the new firmware. Don't forget to cycle the ignition OFF and Back ON when instructed to do so. Make sure both your laptop and vehicle have good power supplies. Once you have completed the firmware upgrade, you will need to GO ON-LINE to the ECU with PC LINK. You can HIT F4 and save to ECU if you wish and go to SAVE AS What ever you call your PCL file and add FW 4.9.9 to the end of the name if you like. While connected to the ECU go to the HELP tab Go down to the ECU INFORMATION TAB and click on it. It will tell you what version firmware you are running to confirm you upgrade was definitely successful. Regards Dave.
  4. Hi, Thanks to Scott @ ViPEC your access has been activated. Post away. Regards Dave.
  5. Hi, don't worry about trying to save the file while cranking. With the ECU Online and with runtimes value page open F12, with the triggers tab open and cranking you should see trigger 1 and 2 OK or YES and you should see an RPM signal. I just had a look at your last file and see a trigger 1 no trigger 2 and no rpm. Can you change your trigger 2 filter level from 3 down to 1 please. Setup your PC logger as per my screen shot and check the runtime values while you are cranking the engine capturing the data log info. Regards Dave.
  6. Hi, I have passed your details on for you to get full access. Simon is away with the birth of a new baby. Scott is juggling with his normal job and will try to setup your access if possible today. So the wheels are in motion for you. Regards Dave.
  7. Hi, Ok so you leave the plugs for 12 hours. You still really need to have a look at them. When they are wet, fuel can form between the porcelean of the plug centre and the threaded housing, All fuels have additives mixed in them, conditioners etc, all fuel companies use these additives, the additives can form a coating on the centre electrode or ground strap. This works like an insulator, the more raw fuel deposited the more these waxes and gums form. Then of course there is the dreaded carbon fouling, where the plugs are black and sooty. The spark travels from the centre electrode to the base of the plug via the porcelean , (sorry don't know how to spell it). We need to see if the plugs are dry when cold cranking, or wet or at least smell of fuel after trying to start. Do you get any form of change in the AFR value while trying to start the engine during partial fire. Regards Dave.
  8. Hi, I will be fine. I can't let all you good people down. Can you hit the F12 key and look under triggers and limits tab and look for trigger error counts etc. Also look under the ECU tab for ERROR CODES or counts. Regards Dave.
  9. Hi Fredde, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â no worries, I have posted the answer for your decimal place issue in your other thread. Regards Dave.
  10. Hi, If the RPM and dwell etc read 0 that means you haven't saved the file while cranking or you have a trigger issue, arming voltage set to high if Mag reluctor sensor etc. I am not very well at present, going in for surgery on Wednesday, so I will have another look at your PCL file and see if I can make some more changes for you, now with the new cold weather temps. Try to reload my file I sent you, see if it starts an easier as it did before. Are you using an AFR meter while trying to start, are you pulling the plugs to check for excess fuel, wet plugs etc. Regards Dave
  11. Hi Fredde, Just right click properties on the guage and select how many decimal places you want. As per sample below. Regards Dave.
  12. Hi, looking at your PCL runtime values it would appear that the BAP value of 83 is possibly correct for your altitude, but I can't say for sure. Setting the MAP sensor up so that the BAP and MAP read as close as possible will be a start. Has this engine been already fully tuned. Under your Fuel setup, Main, you have OPEN LOOP AFR TABLE TURNED OFF. I notice you also have CLL Control activated, has this been tuned correctly. Was your engine tuned at this altitude or at sea level. Your IAT FUEL trim table has some strange values negative fuel trims around the 20 degrees c etc. Your warm up enrichment tables have some values that I would consider a little high around 60 -70 deg etc. Basically I see tune parameter settings that will definitely contribute to your rich mixture. An overly rich mixture, can create wet or heavily carbon fouled sparkplugs. All of these conditions will lead to poor idle quality and low manifold vacuum, which will cause the fuel table cell number to be a bigger number than it should be if the MGP was correct. Regards Dave.
  13. Hi Cake, some version 6 WRX's need to have the map sensor selected as Subaru V7-8, press F4 to save to the ECU and press F2 and save to the PCL file. Carry out a MAP SENSOR CALIBRATION and PRESS F4 to save to the ECU. The MAP should read around 100 - 101 Kpa at sea level. Try this and report back please. Regards Dave.
  14. Hi, if you open your pcl file and go to the HELP tab, then select ECU information it will tell you the serial number in with a heap of other info such as what firmware version you are running etc. Regards Dave.
  15. Hi Steve, how did you terminate the wiring from the ECU to the OBD2 connector. Can you put up a screen shot of your settings. Have you setup the IP address of the Kiwi WiFI in your phone. I take it if you are using the TORQUE app you are using an Android phone, not an iPHONE. Regards Dave.
  16. Hi, I cant remember if I have your PCL file or not already. I have so many of them. Can you please post it up so I v can check your setup please. Regards Dave.
  17. Hi, to upload a PCL file or log file you just need to click on the Upload attachment tab at the bottom of the screen, next to the Options tab. When you open the Upload Attachments tab a blank window will appear with Browse next to it. Click on the Browse tab and browse you computer for the file you wish to upload. EG: C Drive, ViPEC , BASE MAPS, then double click on your PCL file it will upload to the forum. Regards Dave.
  18. Hi Fredde, Â I am confused now, I have answered this question in the G4 section, now I see the same request in G4 +. Which ECU do you have. Regards Dave.
  19. Hi Steve, What brand of injector did you fit. We need to also set the injector dead times. Have you calibrated the MAP sensor and TPS. Regards Dave.
  20. Hi Fredde, Ignore the last screen shot, I had the wrong cal table selected in the AN VOLT page. Here is the corrected one. Regards Dave.
  21. Hi Fredde, I have attached a screen shot of how to set it up. To log you just need to log your AN VOLT you have connected your sensor to. Set it up as DEG CELCIUS so it will allow you to use a negative value. I hope this is what you where after. Regards Dave.
  22. Hi Daniel, You won't be able to open it with Link G4+ as this is the new current generation ECU platform. You say you where able to connect with PC LINK VER 2.5. Can you elaborate on this, do you mean you can go online to the ECU and actually see live parameters etc , but if you try to start the engine it will not go. Can you attach the PCL (TUNE FILE) so I can have a look for you. Also might be handy if you can remove the cover off the ECU and look on the circuit board for any identification stickers or printing on the circuit board itself. There maybe a sticker on the CPU on the circuit board. Regards Dave.
  23. Hi Steve, You need to go into the ECU settings tab on the left of the page. Then select the FUEL tab, then Fuel setup, then fuel main. You need to then adjust the MASTER FUEL ms value to a lower value. Do you have an Air Fuel Meter as other influences will be active during first start up such as post start multipliers, warm up enrichment multipliers and timers etc that will add to the fuel amount injected. You are best off having an AFR meter hooked up, fire the engine and try to adjust the fuel master until the AFR IS AROUND SAY 12.5-  12.8:1 with the engine rpm held at say 2000 rpm . That way the AFR is  safe and you can warm the engine up until the cold start enrichment parameters become inactive. If you can post up your PCL file I can make up a starting file for you. I have attached a screen shot of the tabs etc open to show where the fuel master is. Regards Dave.
  24. Hi, Is your 1UZ a dual distributor engine or 8 x COP. If it is COP, setup your ignition as wasted spark and configure the ignition output wiring for wasted spark you will free up 4 ignition outputs to use as AUX O/P. Just an idea. Regards Dave.
  25. Hi, well that's great news. The reason I suggested holding the throttle open approx. 5% is sometimes there is insufficient air bypassing the throttle blade or idle bypass solenoid. The starting issues can be a fine delicate combination of throttle blade air gap adjustment, or air bypass valve settings, fuel trims and ignition cranking timing. So keep adjusting. Try to keep my file as it is. When you make any new changes save that file with a new name. Make small adjustments on as few settings as possible. Most times people get what I call TUNING HUNGRY and want to make big value changes and change lots of parameters at one time. This makes it hard to figure what made it better or worse. Small steps, you will get there. If all goes pear shaped revert back to my original file and start over again. Good luck, Regards Dave.
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