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Timboj last won the day on April 14 2024

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About Timboj

  • Birthday 10/17/1981

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  1. Timboj

    AI Tuning

    Can't wait for the "Adam @home" update
  2. Timboj

    AI Tuning

    I hate the "AI" marketing saturation we're all dealing with currently as much as the next person, but obviously when used correctly, it can be anywhere between helpful and straight up black magic. With appropriate training, inputs, and guidance, AI tuning in an ECU could realistically replace or provide closed loop control (eg. Idle return/dashpot) over most of the fuel/air/ignition parameters, transient conditions, PID, suggest clamp changes. The list goes on. As AI tools become more more accessible, cheaper and more ubiquitous, consumers will eventually to expect this type of feature for free. It's a tough position for first movers, because they're going to want to recoup costs of investment, but could alternatively view it simply as a point of difference that sells more units than the competition. AI tuning in some form is a question of when, not if, so I'm curious to hear from Link if this is something being talked about/considered?
  3. Thanks for the input, guys. Makes a lot of sense. I've set MAP low to 40kpa and taken a chunk out of -70/-80 across the Fuel Table. We'll see how we go.
  4. I hadn't yet. Is that the best/typical way to address it?
  5. I see this time and time again in my logs where CLL is pulling fuel off throttle, only to go super lean momentarily when getting back on the throttle. CLL seems constantly be chasing it's tail. I've played around with the update rate and gain control but I'm not getting anywhere meaningful. Map and log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BjgTXQLnynRaAhz77St6bpiATy3hQgSM/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tfr9AAGP4x4KVVNi3OJEO8SCtwPs2fY0/view?usp=sharing
  6. Hmmm. Can you show an example of that @mapper? (I'm boosted)
  7. Thanks for the input. Yeah trusting stable conditions is the hard part for me. There are so many factors at play that impact VE I would think it pretty difficult to be 100% certain (or close to) that your baseline configuration is correct.
  8. Any suggestions @Adamw?
  9. Any tips on how to go about tuning the charge temp approx? My current settings are pretty close to the example in help, but I'm largely going from gut feel right now. The VQ35DE has a thick aluminium upper and lower plenum, plus lower intake. I expect it probably does suffer from heat soak more than most newer cars. However on a cool night (~15C) it doesn't feel right that I'd be approximating 62C at idle, while IAT (which is just before the TB) reads 21C (intercooled). In the Charge temp approx help section, two examples are given for increasing or decreasing the table value/s using lambda target v actual as the measure. But if we're adjusting against the lambda value, how do you differentiate charge temp from adjusting the VE map, which is where I'd normally look to correct lambda, instead?
  10. Timboj

    Brake NO/NC

    What does NO or NC mean in relation to Brake? Couldn't find an answer, sorry. Also I've noticed this behaviour for them from the 350Z base map. Clutch pedal triggers DI 6 - Brake NC. Brake pedal has two stages; initial is DI 6 and then DI 4 - Brake NO. Does Brake NC just disable cruise control from the ECU perspective?
  11. Thanks Dave, but going to hard disagree that "there is nothing better than really helpful help documentation". For starters, while Link's documentation is generally quite good, it's not exhaustive. There's no reason they can't can't branch into other channels over time. Good businesses (even smaller ones) will value feedback and act on it. Setting up and refining launch control would really benefit from a video "how to" in a way that a help file and forum can never offer. YouTube (for example) can inform the viewer and provide much needed exposure and brand awareness when done right. Again, look at Haltech. Link's "Pops and Bangs" series, respectfully, are pretty terrible but at least they've recognised the value of getting themselves on the platform and trying something new.
  12. Okay thanks. Does that mean I supply 12v direct to both the trigger and source and then wire my Aux 8 to the relay ground?
  13. Hi guys, quick one; can you confirm that Aux 5-8 on the N350X are all high side? I'm wiring in a fan relay and Aux 8 on the expansion is currently free...
  14. I've been running the same configuration successfully for a couple of years. Happy to answer any questions.
  15. Timboj

    Corrupted data?

    Just circling back- more fuel fixed the oscillation. I've also noticed other areas were this is probably affecting power delivery. I'm in the process of road tuning my 98 map/cold start etc, so I'm constantly plugging gaps with accel enrichment and VE map, but didn't realise how much a slightly lean (1.1) or even 'ideal' lambda could affect low rpm. Always learning here, thanks.
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