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Posts posted by djhedges

  1. I have a Razor PDM & Fury ECU talking over CAN bus and controlling things like the fans & fuel pump correctly.  My next goal was to actuate the brake lights with the PDM based on pressure voltages from the ECU.

    Wiring currently

    • ECU AnVolt 8 - Front brake pressure
    • ECU AnVolt 9 - Rear brake pressure
    • PDM PWROUT2a - Brake lights

    Bonus points for redundancy such that if a brake pressure sensor fails the brake lights still work.

    Extra bonus points if we can make the brakes blink.


  2. I attempted to wire the killswitch per the attached diagram but it didn't quite work.

    • I ran a wire from the Z terminal to the PDM for the IGN SW pin
    • On the other side of the Z terminal I ran a jumper wire to the alternator & starter side of the power

    Normally the power to the coils is run on the Z terminal which in the off position is disconnected.  I think the car has this killswitch based on the Z & W labels I'm seeing on the back.  I'm still confused as to why the car kept running with the killswitch in the off position.

    PDM Killswitch Wiring (doesn't work) (1).png

  3. I got it to idle on it's own by cranking with the throttle open a bit for a minute or so.  I think the header is either cracked or has a hole in it.  I've not run these headers before.

    I did try a number of things before starting it.  Ran a seperate shielded wire for the trigger signal to the ECU, swapped crank position sensors with an older one and I swap out the spark plugs.  I didn't snag any logs unfortunately and the trigger scope looks the same.

    My next steps are to swap the headers and figure out why the killswitch didn't work.  I apologize for the music in the background.  I couldn't hear it over the exhaust.


  4. I tested fuel pressure before the fuel filter and before the fuel rail.  It held >60 psi for 10 minutes after priming the pump in both locations.  I also replaced the fuel filter while I'm here.

    I then tee'd the fuel pressure gauge inline with the fuel rail and watched it as it was cranking.  It stayed in the 55-60 psi range.  This was with an additional 50% fueling.

    I also logged the PDM this time.  I'm dubious there's anything useful there.



    corrado_20240122_00_50_fuel.pclx PC Datalog - 2024-01-22 6;35;13 pm.llgx Trigger Scope - 2024-01-22 6;35;29 pm.llgx 20240122_00.pdmlog

  5. First time wiring an ECU and I think we're getting close.  It's finally cranking and making noises but not quite idling yet.  I thought the header had a hole in it at first.

    I've tried a number of things

    • Trigger offset of -84 or 276 (and played with ±10 degrees)
    • With a timing light set to 0 the marks on the crank pulley lines up best at 6 degrees BTDC in the calibration settings
    • I tried adding +10% fuel on cold start cranking table across the row (@ +20% there's backfires in the exaust)
    • I pulled the spark the plugs and tested the pairs that are firing to ensure that they fire per the firing order 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4:
      • IGN1 - Clyinders 1&6
      • IGN2 - Clyinders 2&5
      • IGN3 - Clyinders 3&4
    • If I crack the throttle a bit it idles roughly like in the video but on it's own
    • Weeks ago I verified the injector wiring with a volt meter before installing the intake manifold

    Other things worth mentioning:

    • ECT signal is from a linear 0-5v out from an AEM gauage which is reading ~10 degrees higher than the gauge itself.  Although I did calibrate it against a chart from AEM.  I assume this doesn't matter though.
    • The motor has 276 cams, 11.75:1 compression and MS109 fuel
    • Link 1.15 bar MAP sensor
    • Link LSU 4.9

    Tomorrow I plan to check if ever configured the idle stablizer valve.  What else should I try?


    Trigger Scope - Waves.llgx

  6. I'm getting to build my first wiring harness and would appreciate one more review and a few questions before I get started.  Below my current plan for the PDM pins.  It's a NA build with 12:1 compression on stock injectors.  ECU is a Link Fury.

    razor_pdm:ADIO1,link_ecu_b:+14V Aux9/10
    razor_pdm:ADIO4,LSU4.9:Heater Power
    razor_pdm:ADIO5,aux_coolant_pump:Pos # Secondary small electral water pump that had a 5 amp fuse
    razor_pdm:CANH,link_ecu_b:DI10/CAN2H,link_keypad:CAN High
    razor_pdm:CANL,link_ecu_b:DI9/CAN2L,link_keypad:CAN Low
    razor_pdm:PWROUT1a,fuel_pump:pos  # rockauto lists a bump with 8 amps average
    razor_pdm:PWROUT1b,coil:Ubatt          # <8 amps according to bosch motorsports catalog.
    razor_pdm:PWROUT4a,spal_fan_1:pos  # 7.6 amps
    razor_pdm:PWROUT4b,spal_fan_2:pos #6.3 amps

    • What is the current draw of the Link Fury ECU?  I'm hoping a single ADIO pin is enough to suppor the ECU.
    • I planned to run the coils, injectors & fuel pump off the same high output.  Should I also add individual inline fuses?
    • The car had 5v front/rear brake pressure sensors that I was planning to wire to the ECU.  Is it silly to drive the brake lights over CAN to the PDM?
  7. Now that you mention I seem to recall the coolant reservoirs wicking being a possible issue.  I'm torn though because having that signal could save an engine.  I'd rather redo a harness then have the engine rebuilt.  On the plus side race cars get wrenched on so much that hopefully I'll catch it early on.

    On 1/3/2023 at 4:43 PM, aerace_fab said:

    You should highly consider using excel or google sheets to make this diagram. 

    If you need help i can show you a few examples of how it's done properly.

    I'd be happy to take a look at a google sheet example if you have one handy.  I could always export what have to now to sheets if needed.

  8. Thanks for looking. 

    I wasn't sure what to connect the two pin low coolant sensor from the VW coolant reservoir.  If I recall correctly this is simply two pins submerged in the coolant.  If coolant is present it closes the circuit.

    I have not seen Scheme-It yet.  It's not the prettiest diagrams but I guess I've gotten used to looking at them.  I found using graphviz the easiest to maintain so far.  It's defined once in https://github.com/djhedges/corrado_wiring/blob/main/corrado_wiring.py by defining nodes and paths.  For example.

    Node('icm', ['Transistor1ecu', 'Transistor2ecu', 'Transistor3ecu',
                 'Transistor3coil', 'Gnd', 'Transistor2coil', 'Transistor1coil'])
    Node('coil', ['Coil3', 'Coil2', 'Coil1', 'Ubatt'])

    # Coils
      ('razor_pdm', 'PWROUT3a'),
      ('coil', 'Ubatt'),
    ), 'red')
      ('icm', 'Gnd'),
      ('engine_bay_ground', 'Gnd'),
    ), 'black')
    for i in range(1, 4):
        ('link_ecu_a', f'Ign{i}'),
        ('icm', f'Transistor{i}ecu'),
        ('icm', f'Transistor{i}coil'),
        ('coil', f'Coil{i}'),
      ), 'white')


  9. I recently purchased a Link Fury X and Razor PDM for a small winter project.  I'm rewiring a 93 VW Corrado race car.  This will be my first time wiring a car and I think I might have most of the wiring planned out.  I would appreciate if someone could take a second look and see if anything looks wrong.

    The image below is the wiring between the ECU and a Deutsch connector I'm planning to use to make pulling the engine easier.  As an example the crank position sensor will use pins 7, 10 & 11 on the Deutsch connector which correspond with +5v, Trig2 & Shield/Gnd on the Loom A connector.

    Theres also invidual graphs per node such as the various sensors and connectors if the image below is too busy in some areas.



    As an example.



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