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  1. A restart during yesterday morning's commute the car stalled, we rested for a few minutes while I checked for loose wires. After restarting, it stumbled a little but then resumed normal performance. The afternoon commute finished on the back of a rollback tow truck. Once home, I checked FP, all Inj and Ign passed. All COP's tested with the same resistance, changed ignitors, all to no avail. Temporarily disabled 'run when stalled' for Lambda and turned key on, it went though diagnostics and rapidly heated, so that seems OK too. Guessing the car is trying to run on 3 out of 6 cylinders.
  2. Second log in google drive (PC Datalog - 2024-08-21 4;11;29 pm) posted shows same behavior at 30:14 from this afternoon's commute. Ran a little rough before the event then sudden failure.
  3. On the commute this morning, the motor suddenly became very sluggish, AFR spiked to 148. Pulled over, stopped motor, checked connections (ign, in, etc.) , all seemed fine. Restarted and the engine ran as usual. The issue presents at 22:38 in the log. Also seems like CLL is doing a LOT of work, which I assume indicates the fuel table needs help, but the CLL LTT does not look as chaotic as I would expect. Is this simply the O2 sensor beginning to fail? Set labmda sensor to run when stalled, appropriate diagnostic and heat cycle commenced. Porsche 3.0, x-faktory ITB update. Log and tune here -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IJyrV4y1Er34Ad7nsZmrqOkTbNsxuGQA?usp=sharing Thanks!
  4. marches


    Is there any way one can get stats/data from any parameters available via log files that might show injector and/or coil failures at runtime? Not sure why, but it seems cylinder 2 and 5 ( 911 3.0 motor ) seem to fail more often. There were a number of issues within the Injector and COP harnesses that have been sorted out. A few missing crimps, two wires attached to the same terminal where one wire was the full set of strands and its companion wire hanging on by but two or three strands. I think the harness is now in goos order is no longer an issue so am turning my attention to component failures. RE dwell, this has been setup according to the supplier of the kit and cross referenced with others using a similar COP. As always, thanks a million Vaughn and company!!
  5. marches


    No deformation or melting related to heat. One mile a coil may begin to drop out then a few more miles down the road it just stops working, I see infinite resistance between the two contacts of the bad coils. A fresh coil always remedies the problem ( until the next time. )
  6. In the end, it was the wonky vishay/colvern TPS. Installed a hall effect sensor and now have no noise. Thanks again, Adamw!!
  7. Plenty of food for thought here, thanks Adamw!!
  8. Good day! This car is equipped with a StormX, RHD ITB's controlling a flat 6. Attached is an 11 second log taken with ECU powered up without engine running. Log display is scaled to show variation, how much variation is normal? Since installation, we have struggled with TPS noise. Started with generic BMW TPS, switching to OEM TPS cleaned up the signal a bit, but it still fluctuates so much it impacts channels downstream: CLL, Accel, etc. Once we ran separate power and ground leads for both TPS and MAP from ECU to skip any other sensors imparting noise and still cannot seem to quiet TPS. Have I missed something? In the process of making sure signal path is clean, ground path from battery - to ECU and engine bay have been polished. Does anyone have any hot tips on conditioning TPS (and/or MAP) output? Maybe a math channel to AVG the signal over a short time period? TPS only log screen cap below to illustrate noise. Log and Tune here -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gtL3go2bZVh1KD3eE-drBYKPPt2_WWUR?usp=sharing
  9. marches


    Recently updated an 80 Porsche 911 to a COP system including G4X and two lead coils with an ignitor in between. The new motor has ~ 1200 miles on it and I have gone through two sets of coils(2x6), two sets of ignitors(2x2). Is there a setting I have missed in the G4X or am I experiencing defective manufacture and/or dodgy hardware? The coils are generic F6T570 and the ignitors are Vaico V24-70-0027.
  10. marches

    RPM hangs at 2500

    Thanks Adamw and DerekAE86!! RFTM: RPM Lockout... I foolishly plugged in 1250 assuming was the target RPM, silly. Details matter! Thanks! Also, I am sure adding a speed sensor would help clear matters up. However, lowering the RPM lockout to a reasonable level has stopped the jitter at cruise, no surprise! The use ( abuse? ) of the ignition idle control is a result being at my wits end trying to get the idle to tame down without too much ECU intervention. I have seen plenty of posts with folks frustrated with getting the ITB motors to idle without intervention and am still trying to get there myself. I have spent some time making sure the butterflys are just at their seat, balanced them over and over and still the idle, without much ECU intervention, is ~2K. Per an oft referenced writeup by jpnovak ( of pcar fame ) I made an 'idle well' in the ignition table such that in the idle range (1K - 1.2K, TPS 0 - 1 ) the ignition is 8 degrees BTDC. A little more reading this evening suggests that a motor with a 'bigger' cam may require a little more air, so maybe the butterflys are too tight at close. Could be as simple as too much fuel in that range? Will experiment with that this evening! Thanks again!!! mc
  11. marches

    RPM hangs at 2500

    Porsche 911 - 3.0 - EFI ITB - Slightly aggressive cams - StormX - new build Car is still running rich, working on refining the master fuel vals and fuel table. Finally have Ignition Idle Control behaving most of the time ( no idle control valve ) but have seen where the motor hangs at ~2500RPM and will not go lower until load forces it to around 1900 or so, then Idle Control seems to take over. Below is a screen grab: Motor is warm and is at idle, then a blip of the throttle sends RPM past the critical point and it hangs at ~2500 RPM. What is causing this? Also, I notice sometimes at cruise, it seems the idle control is trying to interfere as exhibited with a retard of timing, when ideally during cruise, the config would remain more static. I imagine if I had a speed input, that could be configured in the Idle Control settings to prohibit the Idle Control algorithm interfering while the car is in motion, however, what if I am at cruise and am almost to the exit ramp and want to shift out of gear and coast to the stop? Assuming this is coming from my ignorance of Idle controls... Any hints from the braintrust? This link includes the current tune and log file used in the screen grab above: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r8Ov-H4WvwATwXLDTlLCQjBqWIwvCeTC?usp=sharing Thanks folks! m
  12. RE Thermal shock: Before installing sensor #4, I configured a relay to be energized after the motor starts via an output of the ECU. So far, this sensor still works. Again, thanks to all for the replies. It takes a village...
  13. @KoRacing - That would have been valuable intel when I had to replace the first Innovate controller with the second Innovate controller, then sensor #2, sensor #3, and for good measure, sensor #4 All within 700 miles on a new motor! Still picking up skills on projects of this scale and trying to keep number of changing variables through the process at a minimum, and assumed the failure of 02 sensors were due to over rich startups, and whatever other rational the Innovate rep relayed. A quick search reveals plenty of woes related to this kit. WOW! Any recommendations for a solid platform for step 3?
  14. Thanks Confused and Adamw! Will clear the event log and error codes with a better understanding of how the ECU behaves. The Lambda sensor is an Innovate, so I will endeavor to adjust the output settings for a margin at the extreme ends of the output values. Cheers!!
  15. Greetings All! Have noticed a number of errors in Event Log recently. So I set up a timeline to get a better understanding of what is happening as reported by the Fault Codes channel. Through time, there is a periodic display of Fault Codes. Hmmm periodic, independent of what the motor is doing... Examining the steps in the Fault Codes 'wave' the lowest step is 'Analog Voltage 1 above Error High value' AnVolt1 is connected to the Lambda sensor and AnVolt1 ErrHigh is set to 4.95V. At this point AnVolt1 is registering 1.13V, which is well below the 4.95V Error High setting. The next step in the Fault Codes graph complains AnVolt1 Below Error Low (0.01V) value while AnVolt1 is 1.64V. Nope! Next step laments AnVolt4 (1.00V) Above Error High (2.75V). Again, nope. Next, AnVolt4 (1.00V) below Error Low value (0.75V.) Fake news. Lambda1 Signal Error. From Help, we see: If Lambda 1 is connected via an Analog Voltage input (It is!) the voltage has gone out of range and there should be an accompanying Error Low or Error High code from the Analog Voltage input. If Lambda 1 is connected via CAN the the CAN device has reported an error. Sensor or wiring may be faulty or disconnected. If Lambda 1 is connected via an An Volt input refer to the matching An Volt Error for more information, if it is connected via CAN refer to the Lambda TPS Signal Error. How to get a deeper understanding? TPS is AnVolt4 and reading 1.00V, which is between ErrHigh and ErrLow, so what is the Error? The peak of the Fault Code wave is 'Analog 5V Supply Error' where the 5V Analog Supply status evaluates to 'OK' Also noticed Database Error evaluates to 'Settings Overflow' which remains constant in time. A quick search reveals the suggestion to update firmware, currently the ECU is here: Would it be reasonable to conclude an update to latest firmware may squash some of the buggieness or are there other issues afoot this writer does not understand. Attaching pclx and log referred to in images above. Screen grabs have been culled from the 'Power Stats' view; layout included here -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q27tYSZgvhU6hZcWKhawgHICn8ZOVAhr?usp=sharing
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