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    3vo reacted to Hodgdon Extreme in Evo 8 g4x setup   
    Looks like your closed loop lambda control is putting in the max-clamp amount (10%) extra fuel and yet still struggling to maintain stoich. As soon as you blip the throttle, it goes super lean - and the CLL correction disables based on your lockout conditions.
    You can probably multiply your master fuel by 1.15 as a starting point to retest.
    Also, if it were me, I'd give CLL more control authority - especially and/or at least while you are trying to get things in the ballpark. I'd simplify your min/max CLL control from 3D tables - and just use a simple scalar of ±20 or 25%.
    Also noticed your acceleration compensation sensitivity is 10 at all engine speeds. That seems like a lot to me. I think you'll find yourself in the 4-5 zone at low RPM and 1-2 in the high RPM zone.
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    3vo reacted to koracing in Evo 8 g4x setup   
    I think there's a problem with your map sensor.  When the engine stalls it takes several seconds for the map sensor to go to 0kpa and when you blip the throttle it's not changing the map reading.  There's a clog there or a pinched line most likely.  Make sure you only have a line running from the intake manifold plenum after the throttle body without any tee's or splits or shared uses before it gets to the ECU.
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