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Posts posted by nissan200sx.dk

  1. Forgot to ask.

    Would the knock wires from the v88 be good enough to use on the digital box? When I used the digital box before they were connected at the v44 ecu that used the std RB25DET wiring loom. So they are to short to go all the way to knock sensors now, but std v88 knock wires are long enough.

    That is also why I asked about the plugs on the digtial box, as I need to make wires longer now.. And would rather connect wires direcly to pin, than solder in wire.

  2. My sensors are pre 2000. (RB25DET series 1)

    Is it possible to buy the headphones used in the complete package deal with the digtial knock box? When I bought mine it was not available, so record the sounds on my laptop. If possible how much would they be?

    Start log / record at the same time.

  3. Hi all.

    I bought vi-pec digital knock control when I was using a v44 plug in, but now have a v88.

    Is the digital knock box, connected to the v88 and used by it, better in any way over the built in knock control the v88 has? Any advantage / disadvantage using the inbuilt or the digital?

  4. Hi.

    I am a bit worried that I may have made a fault error code 40. (40 cm from the screen... ;-S)

    I have made the start of my new wiring loom, but didnt have in consideration that speed sensor signals need to be an shielded wire. The lenght of the first part in wire wrap is 60cm, is that too much unshielded wire for digital input / speed sensor. The sensor is the ABS sensors. I will use all 4. (Left and right / front and rear) Digital input 2, 3, 4, 5.

    How important is it to use shielded wire for ABS sensor signals? (With my s13 sensors / hubs the calibration was 2370). Now it is R33 GTR sensors and hubs. I have not counted if they are the same, but looks about the same. Will do a calibration when the car is running.

    Also, these sensors will be used for the ATTESA ECU, will this be a problem? Two things connected to the same sensors. Input to Vi-PEC and input to the ATTESA ECU.


  5. From the manual:

    VX ECUs have up to 10 auxiliary outputs. Unused ignition and injection channels can also be used as auxiliary outputs. Auxiliary outputs are general-purpose outputs that may be used to perform a wide range of functions. However, the following limitations apply:

    · All Auxiliary, Ignition and Injection outputs can switch a load by supplying a ground for it.

    · Aux 5 to 8 can be used as high side drives (ie they can supply power to a load).

    · A Three Terminal ISC Solenoid must be wired to Aux 1 and Aux 2.

    · An ISC Stepper Motor must be wired to Aux 5, Aux 6, Aux 7 and Aux 8.

    · Aux 5 to 8 and Ignition 1 to 4 when used as Aux channels can not be Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) above 300Hz (except in tacho mode).

    · VVT Solenoids must be wired to Aux channels 1 to 4.

    · An Electronic Throttle Control Motor must be wired to Aux 9 and Aux 10.

    Auxiliary Outputs are normally used to supply a GROUND to actuate solenoids, relays, LEDs or lights. The amount of current flow is entirely dependant on the internal resistance of the device connected to a drive. The load must not draw more than 2 Amps. This means that a directly connected load should have a resistance exceeding 7Ω. If the resistance is lower than this a relay should be used. DO NOT connect +12V directly to any auxiliary output.

    The following list shows only some of the devices that can be controlled by Auxiliary Outputs

    · Idle Speed control (ISC) Solenoids and Stepper Motors

    · Boost Control Solenoid

    · Fuel Pump Relay

    · Fuel Pump Speed controller

    · Engine Fan Relay

    · A/C Clutch Relay

    · A/C Fan Relay

    · Inter-cooler Spray Pump Relay

    · Tachometer

    · Check Engine Light

    · Purge and EGR Solenoids

    · Variable Valve Timing Solenoids

    · Speedometer

    · Oxygen Sensor Heater

    · Water Injection

    · Nitrous Oxide Injection

    · Electronic Throttle Control

    · General Purpose Switching

    · General Purpose Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

    So the spare IGN / INJ that I cant change to low or high, must go low?

  6. Thank you, will move it to a IGN drive instead and use a diode as my manual says I can.

    So this list is now:

    I want to use my spare injecter drive 7 to CAM solenoid , Injector drive 8 as CE light, Ignition drive 7 to boost solenoid, and Ignition drive 8 to ISC solenoid (will use the diode show in manual here). Only thing I can see polarity on is CE light. that is set to low (ground), how about the others?

  7. Hi.

    I want to use my spare injecter drive 7 to ISC solenoid, Injector drive 8 as CE light, Ignition drive 7 to boost solenoid, and Ignition drive 8 to CAM solenoid. Only thing I can see polarity on is CE light. that is set to low (ground), how about the others?

    I cant seem to find any help on this in the manual, or is it just me that cant see the forrest because of all the trees in front of it?!?


  8. Hi.

    This is for a v88 wire-in model ECU.

    Is it possible to create a custom PWM map?

    Signals used for this MAP is:

    G sensor. (2 x 0 - 5 volts signals / Lateral gives 0 - 5 volts signal, fore and aft gives 0 - 5 volts signal. When neutral G's it sends 2,5 volts)

    TPS signal

    % slip signal

    Depending on theese values it need to send a PWM signal to a hydraulic unit that makes more or less pressure. (depending on PWM signal)

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