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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Your short PW adder is about 10 times a typical value at say 1.0ms where you do spend a lot of time. Your SPWA table is also linear which is not normal at all, the purpose of the SPWA is to correct small non-linearities in the injector behavior. Your injector timing is very late in the cycle, typically you want the injection event to finish just before the intake valve opens, at low RPM/TP, with the current values in your table you would be finishing injection after the cylinder has already done its inhale, some of the fuel would only make it into the next intake cycle rather than the intended one. Effects from incorrect injector timing are most noticable during low load transients. For the IAT, you should only have IAT trim or Charge temp approximation enabled - not both. With both you are getting twice as much fuel adjustment for air temp that you should be. The values in your charge temp table are probably a bit on the large side for ITB's also, but I didnt want to mess the tune up too much by telling you to change that also. I dont think it is contributing much to the problem. CLL disabled because that lambda seems very slow to respond. It appears in some places the CLL is correcting for an event that happened half a second ago and has already passed. Did you confirm that the 3rd digit on the wideband display shows the low dash at boot up?
  2. Adamw

    MIVEC Target?

    If the coolant temp is below the thermostat set point there should not even be coolant moving through the radiator.
  3. Ok, I had a quick look at your tune. Some of the problem is due to a mistake in your deadtime table, the rest of it is just due to the CLL being set up to use the basic "stoich mode" with the lowest gain possible - it means it is very slow to react to changes. You could try increasing that gain - around 5 would be more typical, but changing to the auto mode would give much better control. It seems that possibly the fuel tune is quite a long way off too. In that last log the CLL is pulling 17% fuel out at the end and the lambda is still 15% richer than target.
  4. ah yes that would do it. Looks like a quick counter sink in the cam sprocket hole would probably be all it needs to fix that.
  5. Sweet if its done with manometers it should be good. There is nothing too out of place in your map, there is quite a bit of unusual stuff though, it would be nice to see a log with some of it simplified a bit. I would like to see a log with the following changes if you are keen: CLL disabled 4D fuel disabled. IAT trim disabled Change injector timing to 360deg. Zero out short PW adder. Reduce accel enrichment hold to 4 events and increase decay to 5%. All of these changes will likely mess up the tune a bit so it will need a bit of work on the main fuel table afterwards. As for the wideband - the analog output range you are using is not the default. Can you confirm during boot up the 3rd digit shows a dash at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Can you give us a log. You could add another 0.5ms dwell at 13 & 14V, I dont like going much above 4.5ms with these coils, they will self discharge somewhere above 5ms depending on temp etc.
  7. Go to >analog inputs>MAP and increase to filter to medium. Go to >Idle speed control>idle speed control setup and change the MAP lockout to 100Kpa. The main problem is the idle speed is too high so the RPM is about the overrun fuel cut deactivation, so overrun fuel cut is bouncing on and off. The idle valve is only at 34% and the idle RPM is at least 2300 so im not sure if you will get the idle speed down to target just by adjusting the idle base position. I suspect you are going to have to adjust the throttle stop a little more closed assuming it still has some adjustment.
  8. Thanks for the log, I can reproduce the same problem you have encountered. It appears to be related to the conversion to AFR. Since we all use Lambda internally here I suspect we all forgot to test this updated quick trim using AFR units. You will have to temporarily change to Lambda units (shortcut U). I will let the software team know there is a problem but the engineer that made this change is on holiday until the middle of next week so we likely wont have a fix for a week or so. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. All trigger related data looks ok, engine speed ROC and dwell are quite stable so there doesnt appear to be any trigger problem to me. The RPM bouncing around is real and this is just a consequence of a misfire when the engine is under heavy load - the crank will quickly slow down when a cyl misfires because your torque output instantly reduces by at least 1/6th. What I cant tell you is what is causing the misfire, there are no limiters commanded by the ecu, injector PW and dwell are stable, so it appears to be doing everything it should. Does it improve if you lower boost? Does reducing dwell help or make it worse? Are the cam solenoids working? Have you tried to keep them engaged at higher RPM? The VG30 is quite prone to hydraulic lifters pumping up at high RPM but I would expect if that were the problem it would happen with the stock ecu also - provided the boost is the same with the factory ecu?
  10. There was a recent change to improve quick trim in the latest PC Link update. I suspect there may be an AFR/lambda conversion issue causing what you are seeing there. Can you attach the log file you are using? Did quick trim work correctly in the orange cells?
  11. There have been other requests to somehow incorporate ECT into the idle ign target so I have put that one on the list to investigate. Definitely dont have any plans to go back to the old divorced idle ign control however. You could achieve something pretty similar by using a GP output to enable the dual ign table set up as per your old style idle ignition table when idle conditions are met.
  12. Yeah you have no trigger signals coming through at all from neither crank or cam sensor. All your ecu settings look ok so they should be. It would suggest you have a wiring issue somewhere.
  13. The G4X ecus can do 2 x DBW using the external module for the 2nd. But the VVEL system on these engines is currently something we dont have support for. They have a DC servo motor on each intake cam that controls valve lift. Im not sure if that also controls valve timing or they have a separate system for that. The VVEL motors in the OEM setup have a standalone motor controller that gets its commands from the ECU via CAN bus. We have no info on those messages at this stage. And our ECU's dont have enough H-bridges to control the motors directly. I believe Haltech support the factory CAN bus controller while Motec do the motor control directly. Unfortunately we cant do either at the moment. I would like to reverse engineer the CAN one day but the opportunity hasnt arisen yet.
  14. Do a triggerscope also, possibly something simple like arming threshold is borderline too high.
  15. Adamw

    trigger help

    One of the engineers in head office has a yelsha kit on his GTR, I just had a look in his map, the offset is 95.
  16. Try it with idle base position set to say 50% right across. I dont see a whole lot wrong otherwise.
  17. Deadtimes that we have in our FD below (stock primaries), these would probably be better than having them set to zero.
  18. Adamw

    2GR-FE Wiring

    Start by copying the charge temp table example out of the help file, that usually works pretty well for common road engines. I adjusted your fuel table (attached below) to be a bit closer to what I would expect. You can use the "import from file" function to bring this in. Fuel Table 1.lte
  19. Since you have an idle valve you will need to keep equation load source set to MAP, this is the only way the variable mass of air flowing through the idle have can be compensated for. When you say "synced per the bmw procedure", what is that procedure - does it use a synchrometer or manometers? I wouldnt trust any of the mechanical methods such as feeler gauges etc. Can you attach a copy of the tune.
  20. I will give an example to hopefully make it a bit clearer. These examples are assuming open loop lambda table is enabled and the injector deadtimes are somewhere in the ball park: Lets say at WOT your afr target table had 11:1 AFR in it, and you had tuned the fuel table so that when operating at WOT your measured AFR was actually close to 11:1. Then if you later wanted to try leaning it out a bit to say 11:5afr at WOT, then you only need to change the value in the target table, the fuel table remains unchanged. The ECU will reduce the injector PW proportionally to the change in target and the measured lambda should follow the new target automatically. There are several advantages to using the open loop table - one is described above - you can change the target after tuning without having to retune. Secondly, having the target factored in to the PW calculation makes your fuel table "flatter", there is less variation from cell to cell as load changes because the fuel table is effectively only compensating for a change in air flow rather than the change in fuel mixture target and airflow combined. Thirdly, the target can be used as an "extra dimension" in tuning - for example with ITB turbo engines you may have TP as the load axis on the fuel table - but since at 100%TP you could have anything from say 0psi boost to 40psi boost you dont really want to target the same AFR for all boost pressures (you want to target richer as boost increases), so you can put MAP or MGP on the axis of the target table, then even if you are working in the 100% TP row of the fuel table the whole time, you can still vary the target based on boost pressure as well.
  21. I dont see any obvious issues in your log, possibly not enough fuel as Confused suggests or maybe idle base position is too low so when the startup offset decays the valve closes too much and there is not enough air. There doesnt appear to be any trigger issue.
  22. Adamw

    trigger help

    Youve got the trigger mode set to Nis 360 opto with hall sensors in that map. This was an NZ wiring or YelshaD trigger wasnt it? Should be set like this:
  23. It could be worth trying a "no missing teeth" pattern but my gut feeling is it is unlikely to help. Regardless of missing teeth or not the ecu still has to predict how fast TDC is approaching based on the time period between the last two teeth events. When that time period changes by a factor of more than 300% in just a few teeth as it does in those scopes above then there is potential for a lot of error in predicted crank position. If I were going to do that I would grind off groups of 2 adjacent teeth, leaving every 3rd tooth to make it the existing 36-2 into 12 evenly spaced teeth.
  24. What do you mean by "fail", and how are you testing it? Is it one of our current models that are potted in the small aluminium case? I have seen sometimes if they are mounted low you can get condensate or oil run down the vac line and cause an accuracy issue but it is pretty rare for them to completely die.
  25. This update is now on the Link website.
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