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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. If you are saying you get a different reading when you use a different cable then the suggestion would be there is a bad connection/high resistance in one/some of those cables. To troubleshoot I would set up the LM1 to output a flatline voltage, i.e. 0.5Lambda=2.5V, 1.5Lambda=2.5V, then it will output 2.5V all the time. You can also set up the link analog input to display voltage. If PCLink doesnot show 2.5V then you can get a multimeter and check there is 2.5V at every connection point.
  2. Our generic dash stream sends out all 4 wheel speeds, but your car only has one VSS connected so only one of those wheel speeds will work, the other 3 will read zero.I just had a look at Gaugeart's documentation but it doesnt state anywhere which wheel speed channel their device is actually looking for so you are going to have to experiment a bit in PCLink. Go to your DI3 settings, change its function to try LF,LR,RF,RR, hopefully one of those will work.
  3. Adamw

    Pc link version

    The latest G4 version is V4.10.2, this is what you want
  4. Adamw

    IAT wiring

    Temp 3 to one pin on the sensor, sensor ground to the other pin.
  5. Give us a map and PC Log.
  6. No its similar but only a 5 pin plug, the XS connector is 8 pin.
  7. Your ECU/Sub-board combo needs 2 triggers: 1 tooth per TDC and a separate "sync tooth" once per cycle. "Trigger 1" on the 1UZ is usually on the crank shaft - the crankshaft turns twice for one engine cycle. So 4 teeth on the crank, twice per cycle = 8 teeth/8 cylinders = 1 tooth/TDC. "Trigger 1" on the 4AG is usually on the cam - the cam turns once per engine cycle, so 4 teeth on cam = 4 teeth/4 cylinders = 1 tooth/TDC. "Trigger 2" is going to be the same on both - 1 tooth at cam speed. My statement here wasnt quite correct either. If we do have the required sub-board in stock, I'm told the change over cost is actually quite modest - unfortunately in this case though we no longer have any of the old Toyota subboards in stock so your only option is either to change the trigger or change to a different ECU.
  8. Adamw

    Idle up and down!!!

    Your log attached above showed no overrun fuel cut active so I dont see how that had any effect. What happens when you unplug the stepper motor?
  9. You will need a CANPCB adapter: http://dealers.linkecu.com/CANPCB_2 You can snip the round 6 pin plug off the CANPCB cable and then connect the CAN L wire from the AEM to the CANPCB Green wire, and the AEM CAN H wire to the CANPCB White wire.
  10. Yes they work fine and there is a CAN stream template and set up instructions for the X-series already in the PCLink software:
  11. Knock control is generally used as a safety mechanism to minimise harm if for instance some low octane fuel is put in the tank or the IAT climbs higher than normal due to some problem. Signal channel knock control will still provide this safety feature. That ECU is capable of direct spark and ignition outputs 1-4 are available on the main header should you wish to upgrade later.
  12. Adamw

    Idle up and down!!!

    I dont see too much ECU influence in your log. The Evo stepper motors are pretty renown for short life/dying, have you tried any testing of the stepper motor? Does the idle speed change at all when you change base position table?
  13. You might actually need 2 XS Looms. Here is the pinout for your expansion connectors: Your pressure sensors need to be connected to AN Volt inputs, you can see above Expansion connector #1 has 2 volt inputs. For the FP relay you need an aux output, there are 3 of those spare but they are all on the other Expansion connector... The aux outputs send out a "ground" so you wire one side of your relay coil to switched +12V, and the other side to the aux. On the GTR plugin there are actually 3 FP related aux outputs already - 1 for the main FP relay, then another 2 are used for the FP speed controller. If you are not wanting to use the speed controller you can possibly use one of those auxes to do your 3rd fuel pump.
  14. All data channels should be turned off. You can try both 250 or 500kbit/s bit rates. Your setup should look something like below:
  15. That didnt really answer my question properly. What I wanted to know is: was the tacho originally connected direct to the ignition coil or did it get its signal from the BMW ECU?
  16. I just done a bit more research on the CE light. It definitely is connected to pin 32/Aux 7 in all the schematics I can find. So if the light stays on when you turn aux 7 off then you most likely have a wiring problem somewhere. The wire that goes to pin 32 has been shorted to ground somewhere.
  17. I have heard some users have trouble with torque on certain phones. It seems to connect ok for most of our users and I just tried it here on a samsung S5 without drama. Can you borrow another phone/tablet off someone to try?
  18. With the Fury you can add our CAN-lambda device and get exactly the same functionality as the internal lambda for your 2nd bank. You can even use a analog wideband controller for the second channel if you dare...
  19. Hopefully you are not in a desperate hurry. @Simon is the man to answer this one but he has been off sick for the last couple of days. If you can wait a little longer he may post a more concrete answer when he's back in action. Looking through our documentation (Simon's brain has far more G1 info than our paper records) I think that sub board may only do "1 tooth per TDC" type triggers and wont do your "multitooth" set up. If that subboard does need changing that is quite an expensive job and is often hard to justify (nearly half the cost of replacing it with a new Atom).
  20. The tacho signal from all Link Ecus is already 12v. Where did the e30 signal originally come from - off the coil or from the ecu?
  21. The "test pulse count" is the number of teeth on the cam seen by the sensor. Up the top of this page i said: You choose the lowest value reported in the cam angle test as the value to input as your offset for the Trig 2 VVT or DI.
  22. As CJ has said, the first step is a log and map. How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A
  23. You will need a wideband connected if you want to measure/display/use lambda. A narrowband sensor is not capable of giving a valid lambda measurement, it only gives a rich/lean signal.
  24. it needs to be on falling. You will need to do base timing again as swapping edges will change timing.
  25. That layout attached above is just the default link one, it doesnt have your mixture map 2 page or your boost xy plot.
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