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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. Adamw

    CLL fuel correction %

    Yes your logic here is correct. Note another method is to do logs with CLL turned off, you can then use the mixture map function to automatically apply adjustments to the fuel table.
  2. The connector is a JST XA series. Note you will need a special crimp tool to do these well however, the crimp area is very short and most common F, B or open barrel crimp tools will not fit.
  3. Adamw

    L15A trigger

    Hi Ahizou, Can you please attach your .pclr file (map) and I will take a look. Did you try + or - 360deg to your trigger offset?
  4. You can send almost any parameter you like over CAN. What do you need that is not possible at present?
  5. You are free to use any trigger mode you like with the plugin ecu. 36-1 or the RX8 options would both be good choices. The downside of changing to a hall sensor is you will have to run a new power wire to it.
  6. CLL is disabled whenever launch control is "armed", even if it is not "active". You map shows launch is activated by a switch on DI5, so CLL will be disabled whenever that switch is turned on. One thing you could do is use a virtual aux to arm the launch control rather than just the switch - then you can set up extra conditions so the launch is only armed for instance when wheel speed is <10KMH and TP is > 40%. This will mean under most normal driving conditions launch is disarmed and CLL will work. When you stop at lights and open throttle launch will automatically enable. Also note a couple of problems in your map; Your launch table is using "non-driven" wheel speed on one axis and you also have a disarming speed of 10KMH set, both of these will need non-driven wheel speed but you dont have a speed source set up for that. I suggest you set your speed source like this:
  7. Hi Mickey, That would normally indicate a driver issue. Attached is some more recent drivers than what comes with the old G4 software. Can you save this zip folder somewhere easy like on your desktop, un-zip it then double click double click on the correct .exe file inside that folder to install. If you have 64bit version of windows then the correct .exe to click is : Link USB Driver Install_x64.exe If you have 32bit windows then the correct .exe is: Link USB Driver Install_x86.exe Link USB Drivers.zip
  8. I agree with the others here, appears to be a fuel press problem. Note also the stock GTR has FP speed controller(s) so if they are still connected make sure they are configured and working correctly. It appears there are 3 speed modes controlled by two aux outputs. There is some info on set up in the help file if you need it.
  9. Yes the ECU will have 720deg sync using this type of pattern so sequential will be possible.
  10. As far as I know the Storm has never had automode CLL.
  11. To make simulation/testing possible I would set up the initial "trigger condition" to be something very simple - like just TP only or a DI. The hard bit to get right is the reset/retrigger so I would concentrate on that part of the strategy first then if you can get that working only add the extra complexity of the MAP/RPM to the trigger condition later. Without giving it much thought you may also be able to take some complexity out by considering items like "time delay relays" :http://www.boardrelays.com/Detail.asp?Product_ID=303.117_BU508TD or "programable relays": http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-Digital-Dual-Programmable-Relay-Control-Cycle-Delay-Timer-Timing-Switch-LED-/331922418783
  12. yes but you will need a analog lambda controller, you cannot just connect the lambda probe direct to the ECU. In the V series software the "lambda" parameter was called "wideband".
  13. I'm glad it wasnt only me scratching my head... Since firmware version 5.6.5 there are now 8 virtual aux's available, they just wont show in the map since that was probably saved on an old firmware. So attached is a S13 base map from the latest firmware which should give you 8 VA (just in case you didnt get enough brain fry already). Nissan S13-14 G4+ Xtreme Plugin 5.6.5.pclr
  14. I have never seen a 7K but google shows they have a distributor so I suspect it will be the same 24 & 1 tooth trigger like most other 4cyl toyotas had. You will only need to pull the distributor cap off and count teeth to confirm. Offset will need to be tested/set using a timing light.
  15. Adamw

    Launch problems

    Ok I see some of your problem is the launch ignition trim activation is set too close to the launch RPM so it is continuously bouncing on & off. Try setting ignition trim activation to 6000RPM. I think with more consistent retard you should see higher launch boost. Also if your engine has solid lifters then I think you would get a better result by using ignition cut instead of fuel cut. If you have hydraulic lifters it would pay to stick with fuel cut.
  16. A 3 wire valve can only be run from aux 1 & 2. There is a small electronic circuit you can possibly use to control a 3 wire valve from a single aux which would allow you to use Aux 8. Attached below. The other option is to change to a 2 wire valve. 3 Wire ISC with 1 Aux.pdf
  17. No I think he is probably mistaken here. The ECU should have a realistic ethanol content value stored in its memory to use for start up. Your symptoms sound more like the idle valve set up or pre-crank and post start fuel tuning related. Also keep in mind most engines are a more difficult to cold start on Ethanol based fuels as they are less volatile. This effect gets more worse as temperatures drop so even when all settings are optimised/tuned correctly you will likely never see as good start up behavior as petrol.
  18. It will work with the OEM setup, nothing will need to be changed.
  19. I'm having trouble understanding what problem the sensor start up delay is causing you? During the "lockout time", the ECU will use the last ethanol content value that was measured before you last shut the engine down. So unless you have significantly changed the fuel in the tank since the last start up then it shouldn't matter if the sensor takes a few seconds to start giving an accurate reading - the ECU will be using a ethanol % that is reasonably valid and will allow the engine to start up and run well. You can set the sensor lockout time to zero if you don't wish to have a delay but then the ECU will start using the value that the sensor is outpuitng right away which is likely to be less valid as the suggested setup as air bubbles etc first pass through the sensor.
  20. I can get this close to working. The trouble is using the same trigger condition for Aux 1 and Aux 2 means they will both reset/retrigger if the trigger condition is met while the timer is running and I dont see any easy way around that. I think it may be possible with a bit of imagination for instance maybe using a slightly different trigger condition for the second aux? In this video example I have my initial trigger condition set for MAP>150KPa: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AiYbYlZQuRHPjDmvqW5OrBSdo-pq After my MAP climbs above 150KPa, aux 1 is activated for 1 sec, after a further 8 secs if no trigger condition is seen then aux 2 turns on for 1 sec. If the map goes above 150 again during this time then aux 2 wont activate, but the timer will reset so aux 1 will reactivate - which I dont think you wanted?
  21. I still havent had time to do this justice but I did take a look at a few logs where BAP varied greatly through the run and measured lambda stays near target over large elevation changes. So for now although I cant argue that there isnt possibly a better option out there for fuel table load axis I can say the present system seems to do the job well even in far more extreme environmental variations (aircraft) than our typical users will ever see. Nice workaround though Cam - you will just need to find a very big hill...
  22. I think this is probably normal behavior but I cant test it myself easily right now as my simulator keeps aux 9 & 10 supply live all the time. I wouldnt worry about it too much for now as under normal running conditions that relay should be on all the time. Report back if it doesnt work as expected when its running and we will take a closer look.
  23. We believe the 3UZ trigger pattern is the same as the 1UZ, so our base map should be a reasonably good starting point. You will need to confirm offset with a timing light and probably need to mess with Master fuel but I would expect thats about all it will need to run.
  24. Yes that should be correct. To test, you can set Aux 6 function to "Test (PWM)" and you should hear the solenoid clicking. Most Lambda controllers are linear so it is easiest to use the two point calibrations such as Cal 4, 5 or 6. Yes "Lambda 1" is the correct parameter to assign to the input.
  25. Adamw


    Hi Goran, It is hard to understand what you are trying to explain. Can you try again with different wording?
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