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Everything posted by Adamw

  1. I agree it would be nice but I think boost control is unlikely to see any further improvements in the G4+ Depending on how many tables you are using now there may be other workarounds. You could set up 2 boost tables in "interpolate between" mode. One will be the high altitude table and the other the low altitude table, you then have a blend table that you could span with BAP. Another option would be to have 3 DC tables set up for high/med/low altitude and use a virtual aux to switch between them. The virtual aux could reference BAP or EMAP or some other relevant parameter.
  2. Hello George, That appears to match our "Dodge Viper Gen 2" mode. The rest of the settings are in the help file:
  3. I have had a good look over your map now most of it looks ok. There is one item however that does look odd so I suspect is probably your issue - the TP axis on the fuel and ign tables appears like it may have been messed up. Normally when using TP as the load axis you need fine increments at small openings then the increments can get bigger towards WOT. Something like 0%, 2%, 4%, 7%, 10, 20, 30... for instance is common. Yours goes 0%, then jumps to 30%, 35%... all the way up to 240%! Unfortunately if this has been messed up we dont really know exactly how these increments were originally set up. So in the attached map I have taken my best guess based on the number of rows in the table and the general shape of the fuel map. Load this in and give it a try. mr2 try this.pcl
  4. ANVolt 5, and it should be set to "4 Bar". Also make sure ANVolt 1 isnt assigned to MAP at the same time as some of our base maps had this mistake.
  5. Sorry, I missed the map last night. Can you try loading in this one: mr2_fixed.pcl
  6. If it rotates that means the motor is working. I dont know what the mechanism is like on these but my feeling is if it is rotating but not moving in or out it sounds like there is something mechanically wrong with it. Here's what I think they should look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_a01sHy3qo
  7. Can you post your original map. Have you ever made any adjustments successfully with this laptop/pclink before? Your firmware is quite old but it can be a bit painful to update the G3's so I'd like to look at the map first before we try a FW update.
  8. I dont see much wrong in that log attached. Was it running odd when that log was recorded? Could you set up ecu logging so it runs all the time, then start engine and connect laptop so we can capture the "connection event". Have you connected any instruments to see what causes the "immediately runs very poorly" - for instance does inj pulse width or timing change?
  9. There are various ways you could do this. Below is one example. In this example I have my clutch pressure sensor on ANV2, set up as GP Press. I have the gear cut function set to start shift cut based on a "digital input" and the end shift mode set to time. The up shift DI is set to virtual aux 1. I have virtual aux 1 set up as a GP output that switches on when clutch pressure goes above 800KPa. The other way you could do this is set up your clutch pressure sensor analog input to "gear lever force" instead of pressure and that will mean you dont need the virtual aux and you only need to adjust settings in one area.
  10. No he hasnt. Your map is tuned using Speed Density which is probably the most appropriate for your engine with a single throttle. Alpha N is usually only needed on ITB's or engines with large overlap and often wont work as well as SD in a road car. Alpha = Throttle Angle, N = Engine speed. So for Alpha N your fuel table would have RPM on one axis and TP on the other. Your tables have RPM (speed) and MGP (density).
  11. I suspect with two injectors per cylinder your pulsewidths at idle will be very short so the injectors are probably now trying to operate in an "unstable" or very non linear region. Try increasing the fuel master until it runs. Your fuel table will need re-tuning once you get it to run.
  12. Your settings look ok. For trigger offset you will have to check with a timing light. If it still wont run for long try increasing the master fuel number.
  13. Hi Jon, I dont see much wrong with your map or log. Pulsewidths etc look kind of realistic and dont change significantly when the engine starts to die. Have you got someway to check fuel pressure remains when it starts to die? The only thought I have is maybe the post start enrichment table is not well suited to your engine, I can see in the log that post start enrichment is starting to pull a little fuel out when it dies. One thing to try is a bigger master fuel number (say 25% bigger) and see if that helps get it through the transition from post start enrich, warm up enrich to normal operating temp It will run rich when cold but it might need that so you can get it warm and start tuning.
  14. Turn idle ignition control off for now. Transient ignition retard would normally be zero but you should ask the tuner what he has added that for - if it was to get around some knock issue you could do more harm than good by messing with it..
  15. I never like to say this but your map has multiple problems and doesnt look like it has been tuned well at all. It will probably be easier to reload in our GTR/GTS base map and start from scratch rather than try to fix what you have. I have only taken a very brief look and I dont have much info your your setup or fuel etc so I'm making many assumptions but here's a few things that dont look correct to me: There is no IAT fuel trim above 0°CFuel table axis only goes to 180KPa MGP, yet your ECU statistics show you have hit at least 240KPa MGP boost at some time.From you logs we can see that the fuel table is very poorly mapped (or there is some mechanical problem such as fuel pressure control). AFR drifts between 8-18AFR under almost steady state conditions.Transient ignition retard - You have a table set up that removes 8 deg of ignition timing whenever the throttle isnt moving?Idle ignition table is extreme and also active until 110KPaMain ignition table seems crazy with like 25deg at 260KPa!
  16. The purge solenoid on this model should be connected to pin B135-7 at the header. Inside the ecu this pin is not connected to anything. On this ecu most of the aux outputs are already used up so the most logical choice would be to connect this pin/wire to Ign 7 or 8 outputs on the expansion connector. The configuration is pretty simple, just set the function of whichever aux output you decide to use to "purge".
  17. Also rather than fitting two sensors, you can get sensors with "dual outputs". Take a look at something like this: http://www.compsystems.com.au/index.php/store/electronics/sensors/rotary-position/variohm-sp2800-rotary-position-sensor-dual-output100-degree
  18. Ok, there's many scary things in this map but I think I found some of the idle problem, The speed lock out was set to like 20KM/h and all the idle up step settings were very large. For instance you had a 25% step for "neutral" which would have activated everytime you pressed the clutch in. Here is a map with some of those settings put back to our default GTR base map settings: Try this.pclr
  19. Sorry I dont know how I missed this one Jon. Im just about to log off for the night so I will try to take a look tomorrow.
  20. Either will be fine. I think from memory on the Link supplied looms both the shield and trigger -ve goes to pin 7. Our manual shows them both going to "sensor ground" and this is commonly done also. Those two pins are connected internally so its really just down to whats easiest.
  21. Your symptoms still very much suggest a back feeding aux. Is the car wiring stock apart from the fuel pump? What version evo? Does it have an alarm or aftermarket immobilizer etc? Was there any event related to when this started happening? - i.e flat battery, jump start, wiring changes, any accessories added?
  22. Screenshots are not much help. You really need to attach the .pclr. Does the engine have the RB26 ITB's or a single T/B plenum?
  23. I tried the old "cables unlimited" wireless usb dongles about 10 years ago and they were hopeless then. I havent tried any of the USB server or USB>IP devices. There is also meant to be a new MA-USB standard coming out soon to give better wireless usb but I havent yet seen any devices that use it. The Xtreme, Fury, Thunder & plugin ecus have 2 x CAN ports and 1 x RS232. The Storm only has 1 x CAN. I just noticed also that our webpage for the Storm has a typo on it that says it has RS232 so sorry if that has added to the confusion. I will get that fixed up.
  24. The wideband has nothing to do with idle speed control and open loop idle control is not related at all to open loop lambda control. Somebody is confused here. No again. It is not reaching target afr because it is poorly tuned. Idle control will have very little influence on fuel mixture at all. I suggest you turn of the idle ignition control for now until everything else is tuned properly. It looks like at least your fuel table is fairly poor so you will need to ensure the fuel and ignition tables are tuned properly before messing around with idle. When those are done a good starting point for the idle speed control would be to follow the procedure in the help file:
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