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David Tychsen-Smith

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Posts posted by David Tychsen-Smith

  1. Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    It needs to be timed accurately, preferably to Cyl1 ignition firing. Is there any way to configure an output to perform in this manner? Or possibly a way of distinguishing between Cyl1 / Cyl6? I could try combine this with the coil driver output and extract the signal. 

    Thanks again for your assistance,


  2. Hi,

    I require a squarewave output to indicate when cylinder number 1 is firing or at TDC to input to another device. As I am using a G4 ecu on a 6 cylinder engine and only have 4 ignition drivers I'm running wasted spark, so taking a signal from ignition driver 1 will only tell me if cylinder 1 or 6 is firing. Can I use a spare injector driver to produce a squarewave that changes state at cylinder number 1 firing or TDC?

    Thanks for your time, any assistance would be much appreciated.



  3. I know that in PCLink the ECU settings for An Volt 1 can be changed to a different input and sensor type. However An Volt 1 has no pinout other than those wired directly to the internal sensor. Is there any reason why I cannot just connect to these pins off the board?

    I have a GM 4 bar map sensor that I want to use but have run out of non-essential analog inputs. I would like to use An Volt 1 and remove the old 2.5 bar sensor from the board. I can’t see any reason why this wouldn’t be possible (obviously not expecting it to be covered by warranty or anything). Can you provide me with the information for the pinouts of the existing sensor so I can wire in my GM sensor to match?

    Thanks for your assistance,


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