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David Lee1436215407

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Everything posted by David Lee1436215407

  1. Hi Scott, Thanks for the info, the bit that confused me was that PCLinkG4+ started with version numbers that follow almost directly on from PCLinkG4 rather than starting from version 1.0. Also, the wiring section in the help included info on the AtomG4. The other thing is that going through website going to http://www.linkecu.com/products/engine-management-ecus/g4plus-storm and clicking on Downloads takes you to http://www.linkecu.com/support/downloads/pclink-download/PCLinkG4 rather than PCLinkG4plus. Is the AtomG4 going to evolve to the G4+ platform in the future?
  2. On a similar vent, does the latest release ofhttp://www.linkecu.com/support/downloads/pclink-g4-download/pclink-g4-v5-0-1.1690#' target='_self' title=''> PCLink (PCLink G4+ V5.0.1.1690 (13-08-13)) only support G4+ systems or does it support G4 as well (with standard G4 features)?
  3. Ashley, How is the development going with two extra injector drives for the LEM G3?
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