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wayne lockwood

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Posts posted by wayne lockwood

  1. Final question before I get started on this mission. How far down the exhaust should the lambda sensor be fitted? I have a Bosch LSU4.2 UEGO sensor which runs my AEM air/fuel ratio gauge, but it also has serial output (RS-232 for data logging) and an analog output (0-5v) which I am hoping will be suitable for the link G1plus but it may be too high voltage . Can anybody confirm this? My main problem is where to mount this sensor on my MR2 turbo as the AEM instructions state that on a turbo car, the sensor needs to be at least 36" downstream of the exhaust port to prevent sensor overheat(not even sure if I have 36" of exhaust), but the LinkPlus manual requires it to be mounted in the exhaust manifold as close as possible to the cylinder head! Any suggestions???

  2. Thanks for that. I just needed some confirmation that 850cc would work on this ECU. I have saved a copy of your log to show whichever tuner i decide to use (as I am new to this it doesnt mean a great deal to me), the only thing that I am aware of is that the fuel/air ratio must remain in check but I am not sure if that is shown in your log or not. Do you know what BHP you are pushing? Sounds like a beast!

  3. I wonder if anybody has had experience mapping a v14 with 850cc injectors. I have been told that the Link plus is too old to map for such big injectors but can anybody let me know if they have had success with this? I would prefer to not have to remove my large injectors to fit smaller 550cc injectors. Thanks in advance.

  4. Thanks for that Jurgen, it should be just what I need. I wonder if anybody has had experience mapping a v14 with 850cc injectors. I have been told that the Link plus is too old to map for such big injectors but can anybody let me know if they have had success with this? I would prefer to not have to remove my large injectors to fit smaller 550cc injectors.

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