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david henningsson

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Posts posted by david henningsson

  1. Hello. My friend has a v88

    and when we measure 12v and ground it is ok on A.  But on B we get 12v on the ground. Note. We have only connected A and B 12v + and grounded A. B is not grounded to car. And there we get 12v+ on the ground. ? 

    Also has 12v out from inputs when harness is connected. 

    The harness is correct now. But before it was connected vr sensor signal with 5 volt out to sensor and ground from sensor was connected to ground into v88. 

    Did this brake the v88. 

    When harness is connected to car it  anv2-3 change to Anv at 5 volt. 


    And measueres 12v anv2 on signal cable from v88. ? What is up with this. 

    It is a home made pnp with original Bmw harness. M43. 


  2. if i have the sparkedge wrong it doesnt click in the coil. ivé tried. ivé tried both without and with the spark plug touching ground. no difference. pin 4 and pin2 is grounded to enginge but in two different places. many other i have talked to only have the pin 4 grounded if the coils metal doesnt touch the sparkplug. and that works. i am going too draw 2 new ground plus 1 new engine ground from chassi just too be sure its not that.

  3. Hello. i mounted 6 vag (06b905115r) coils on my bmw m50 turbo. built in igniter. Pin1-12v Pin2- ecu ground. Pin3-ignition drive from ecu. Pin4-ground too engine. doing an ignition test and i hear the coils click but there are no spark at any of the coils when i have spark plugs too check it. WHY? i have rpm and trig 1 and 2 signal. about 180-210 rpm while cranking. Very thankful for quick response. With best regards David Henningsson, Henningssonmotorsport.

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