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Posts posted by Vapor

  1. Thank you prompt reply Adamw.

    I'm sorry, I made a mistake in sending the enclosed file.
    The E-Throttle 2 setting in the original file was "On".
    However, I wanted to idle the engine, so I changed the E-throttle 2 to off.

    I tried the E-throttle setting procedure many times.
    E-Throttle 2 was able to operate in E-Throttle on setup mode.
    However, E-Throttle 2 did not work after E-Throttle mode was turned on.

    As you may have noticed, I have confirmed that the Aux15E throttle relay is open.
    It happens after a few seconds when the ignition is turned on.
    It uses one by one external relay for both E-throttles.
    Aux 12 and 15 control each relay.
    Therefore, the final supply voltage for the Aux17-20 will be 0.00V.
    The cause of "Aux15 E-Throttle relay is open" was not found.

    Thank you for suggesting to create a log file.
    However, the 4-rotor engine is taken out of the car and checked inside.
    I will report the results in a few weeks.

    Again, Thank you for your support.

  2. Hi, I'm going to use G4+Storm for FD3S.
    I have been to make a configuration change 4 cycle to rotary.
    But in ignition tab could not display the trailling sprit map.

    All other units can display it when I had tried same configration change.
    Can't apply the trailling sprit map in rotary configration of G4+Storm?

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