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Pieter Gouwy

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Posts posted by Pieter Gouwy

  1. Anyone found a decent solution to this problem?

    i have the identical problem on an ngtt link x

    works well with the ignition on.

    but as soon as its runs, it displays connection error 1047 serial error.

    and it loses connection to the ecu.

    also sometimes displays the 1019 error code

  2. Hi,

    I've installed a Link G4+ into a Jap spec JZA80 Supra and i made a loom for VAG R8 coils.
    Does this in fact work on a stock loom, do i need to take the ignition amp out of the loom and bridge it?
    Anyone already done this, and could shed light on how to do this?


  3. Hi,

    I'll be installing a Link G4+ in a stock supra but on Audi R8 Coils in a few weeks time, Is there anyone that can tell me how to set the dwell time on these,
    And how to get rid of the stock supra Ignition amp/ Ignition module that is mounted on the left chassis leg? (The block that has a plug with 2x6 pins and a plug with 4 pins)

    Or a wiring diagram/ explanation on how to do the conversion would be great.


  4. On 6/23/2019 at 1:53 AM, cj said:

    our polarity on trigger 2 is also backwards - you need to swap over the signal and ground wires.

    are u 100% sure about this? i went over my triggers with david from link UK and he spotted the trigger 1 being the wrong way round too. So it would surprise me that he would see the trigger one being the wrong way round, but not seeing the trigger 2 wiring error i made?

    I have to point out that the trigger 2 is a sensor that just sits bolted to the cam cover that just reads off a cam lobe. So it might give a bit of an odd signal because of that?

    Shaving the cam cover a bit would be an option, but if @Adamw thinks its not neccesary i'd rather not, as everything is nicely painted, and that would ruin it.

    22 hours ago, Adamw said:

    Dont worry too much about this, it is fine as it is.  Voltage output is influenced by tooth count also, so wheels with less teeth always output lower voltage.  Im pretty happy with it as is.

    I believe strongly it will work too, as it picks up nicely with the timing light, idling and starting works fine. But the reason i doublecheck with u guys is, i just want to learn how to do it the right way, so i know what i'm doing in the future.

    Did u guys see the actual values of the threshold tables how they are currently setup now? Or do i need to add the file to make u able to see at what it was set to during testing these trigger scopes?

  5. hi,

    So i have a Link atom wire in onto a Ford Y5A/B engine in a lotus cortina on Jenvey ITB's.

    I got it running, and it runs nicely, but i want to learn how to set the Arming tresholds for the triggers propperly.
    according to the link help u take half of the top part of the waveform.

    I have added the idle, the 3000RPM adn 5000rpm trigger scope logs for u to see. But i'm wondering, is it possible that the crank trigger making 21 volts at 5K RPM?
    Seems a bit high to me?
    As if this is correct i should set the value to 10,5 but the link software says max value is 7?


    Trigger Scope Log 2019-06-21 4;40;28 pm.llg Trigger Scope Log cortina3000.llg Trigger Scope Log cortina5000.llg

  6. hi,

    As i'm not equipped with good knoledge on Audi engines as i'm a jap specialist and i said yes i'll give it a try i'll be needing some help on the subject.

    Car is:

    Audi A4 AVJ engine code (Stock block)
    -Link G4+ ECU with Link Can Lambda, IAT and boost control solenoid
    -Garret GT2860RS Turbo on External Wastegate
    -480cc Injectors
    -Open Exhaust and airfilter
    -Frontmount intercooler

    I only have a 2WD dyno so i reckon i'll have to map it on the road only so if anyone would have a good ignition map for this type of engine/turbo setup, that be great to compare to, so i see where i need to end up at.

    Car starts and runs ok, Throttle responds, so that seems to work.

    Did the e-throttle setup from the help page, but i'm a bit unsure if i did it correctly, so is there a "how to video" on this specific matter?

    I've read the existing topic on the polo with the trigger issues. That got me wondering if i need to follow the same steps to calibrate/setup the trigger setup/ filtering?

    Are there other things that i need to be extra carefull about with these engines and what boost can u let them run on  stock block?


    December Update:

    I Finally had some tim to continue on the car, but i cannot get the CAN Lambda working.
    I tried and tested different power supplies to the can unit itsself and triplechecked the connections of can high and low to the ecu plug wich both are fine, still no succes in bringing up the dail r finding it in the can devices tab. keeps saying cannot find can devices.


    I've added the file below


    Thanks for reading.


  7. Hi, wire colors are quite straight forward. I just had the polarity wrong on the link loom side. And yes i did use the shield as far as i could. It is exposed near the sensor but this didnt give me any issues.


    bap and tps is what i used. The map signal was quite unstable at idle to be of good use.

    on a 20v manifold i'd use the map tho. As it has an internal chamber system that goes to all ports of the head.

    so it depends what adapter u used

  8. hi,

    i've wired my analogue output from my digital AEM afr gauge to the analogue volt of the link G4+ and tried setting it to aem X series for calibration,
    That showed rich mixture on the laptop screen while it was actually running stoich.

    I then tried setting up the cal table 4 with the data that came with the AEM gauge instructions, This showed Lean when it was actualy stoich...

    So 2 different incorrect results.

    Does anyone have the correct calibration table values?

    I've searched and the only thing what i came across was @Brad Burnett that had an outcome for this problem, but nothing solid.

    According to the search files i read it has something to do with the gain on the AEM gauge for the voltage. So i'm looking in the right direction i guess

  9. Problem has been found in the meantime! The polarity of the sensor wiring was indeed reversed blaine. I stupidly mirrored it off the other side not noticing the plug is on backwards on the sensor. Now it's starting like a beauty.

    Warm up isnt ideal yet, but i'll start with synchronizing the itbs with propper equipment i've got at my disposal from a guy that does bike engines. And setting the base opening first.

    Any other stuff i should set first?

    also i'm still doubting between using bap and map as most stuff i read on the web suggest using bap because of the unstable pressures in the intake and on here most prefere map... So i'm a bit puzzled

  10. I swapped the exhaust cam sensor to the intake side and re-tried. same effect. i do have a waveform now but i think this is because i didnt fully understood that when u click capture it just takes a momentarely frame from the signals.
    before i clicked capture and only then started cranking. Where i've now clicked capture while cranking and got a waveform so i dont think there is anything wrong with the sensor i removed and put in the exhaust side. (it would surprise me as the engine came out of a known runner)

    So even tho i have a signal now it still doesnt start, now it even doesnt start cold... no matter what value i enter in the main fuel map, it just keeps making loud bangs out the exhaust and the occasional few rotations...

    Trigger Scope Log 2017-02-1 10;06;35 am.llg

  11. hi,

    I have looked at the sensors and there is no way of getting more air gap in them as they seal arroud the sensor, both arround the crank and arround the cam as they are inside the head.

    This is another trigger scope of it cranking while hot 65degrees. (caught on once maybe on one cilinder). This looks weird to me but i dont really know what image i should be seeing.

    I deffo have a trigger problem as i've noticed it sometimes jumps to  4500-5500rpm while cranking and it catches one cilinder.

    I never much heard these sensors fail on these so i presume its al down to settings or wiring?


    weird log.jpg

  12. So, as it was running yesterday i played with the throttle linkages a bit in order to synchronize them a bit. As they haven't been set up yet (due to it not running decently enough). I lowered the opening of them quite a bit aswell.

    so today i started it with the latest map blaine wrote for it. Not only did it have a bit more difficulty starting, i couldn't touch the throttle anymore without it stalling. And as soon as i'm above 25degrees i cant get life into it anymore. Wich is a massive problem as i need to wait for it to cool down for several hours again. When i crank, sometimes it makes a few revolutions and then dies, other times, It just cranks and when i let go of the ign swith to the on position it just bangs really loud through the exhaust. So i'm a bit affraid it will cost me yet another sensor.

    I must add due to playing with the itb's synchronisaton i've lowered the idle that far so i can now hear the idle air solenoid doing its job as i can clearly taking in air when cold and Gradualy i can hear it take in less and less as it warmed up.

    The question now is, am i correct assuming this is related to the wrong amount of fuel is being delivered? And if so, in wich of the cold start maps do i make changes when it doesnt want to start as i continue to crank. (Due to translation its not 100% clear to me)

    The triggering issue that Adamw suggested isn't the problem i think, as i'm seeing the same voltage warm as cold. Plus i cant really change the gap on the cam, as these are in the head and seal with a rubber o ring on their base. So putting it further out isnt really possible or it'd have an oil leak i would imagine. (Good tip tho, as i didnt know a bigger gap made more voltage)

  13. hi,

    So, i had another try not touching anything untill it got warm, with much more succes this time!  It reacts well to throttle opening now. i've seen u've added  few sights or rows (dont know the propper name for them) to fuel table at opening.
    Should i do the same for ignition? Or am i correct assuming the throttle opening wouldnt have a massive affect on how the ignition should be altered?
    It did Indeed need some adapting of the main fuel map. hd to turn it down quite a bit.As the Bosch sensor i received was wrong, I used the Innovate controller and screwed the sensor in the bung of the manifold for now so there is still no log file

    However i must add. i turned it off after a few minutes and tried restarting it without succes still.
    I must add tho, I set the throttle opening a bit lower and recalibrated the TPS. But only to 1600rpm apparently so i need to lower it some more. (due to the design of the intake adapter i cant alter idle pos without opening the throttles fully)
    So it not restarting once warm is a massive issue as i need to wait untill it cools to have another try...
    i added the log file of it running and the warm restart but as u can see still no lambda, but i dont think it is relevant when cranking?

    I added the ign start position to as it is connected to White-Brown DI4-An-Volt2 and i think i made the connection correctly in the software to.
    This however Didnt change a thing to it not wanting to start.


    Log 2017-01-29 3;23;00 pm.llg

    Log 2017-01-29 3;17;07 pm.llg

  14. hi,

    @blaine@carmenaperformance, is this the latest base map, with the settings from Brad that u corrected or the one before? so with the map connected?

    I had the sensor in at the back of the exhaust pipe but normally i do get decent/more stable AFR numbers even when its that far back... I do understand however where u are going with this and i will make an update with the AEM back in running order asap.

  15. hi,

    Again, verry good point there Blaine, i didnt setup the trigger further than 1000rpm and failed to spot that it is actually running at 2000 rpm on its idle position.
    This is because when i was adjusting the throttle opening i set them a bit to wide so i might reset them in the morning to a bit less opening and recalibrate the TPS. Or would u guys stay off it untill it wants to run a bit better than it is doing now before changing this.
    I did hower use the trigger scope function again and corrected this. Is this enough or do u want me te measure the signal with an osciloscope? (dont know if this is correct english for the tool)

    I tried Brad's setup, connected the vacuum hose to the built in map with less or more the same result. after playing with the fueling a bit it got running on idle at what point i didnt touch it and let it warm up for once.
    Ran well untill i touched the throttle then it went lean i reckon and died and i was unable to restart it. (warm restart is an issue i haven't been able to resolve from te start)
    My mapper that usually tunes my cars also pointed out i needed to set the IGN to TPS instead of MAP.

    The AEM wideband sensor has died on me (probably because of trying to much and having the exhaust backfires)
    However i made a video with my Phone wich shows the innovate handheld wideband i had in the back end of the exhaust that is showing pretty random numbers for some reason. I will have a new sensor in the morning for the AEM so i can maybe make a complete log file.

    here's the log file of it running and the verry slightly altered base map and log of it running from what brad made up. thanks for helping out btw!

    corollafuelmainup2ndattemptwarmVVTon Bradtpsset.pclr

    Log 2017-01-27 9;57;31 pm.llg

  16. hi,

    -Map is indeed not connected. as the nature of the itb's would give a bit of a unstabe reading or am i wrong? (hence why i used BAP instead of MAP)

    -I used the trigger scope function and found it was proucing 180mV so i set it to the minimum of 0.2 at 1000rpm (i've included the log to doublecheck if i did this the correct way or not) the ecu now doesnt appear to show the fault code anymore.

    -i added some enrich both for cranking (quite a lot) and some for warm up. but every time after a few seconds i find that it dies out and i can't really see on my lamda gauge if it's running to rich or lean when it does. I had a look in the log file but i cant work out how to zoom in and out on specific items i want to bring up to compare to the rpm signal.

    For example if i open the log and use alt+up it enlarges both the rpm and warm up enrich. and i cant nicely compare as u made the example above.

    Super thanks for the help so far! Log 2017-01-26 1;27;14 pm.llg

    Log 2017-01-26 1;27;14 pm.llg

    Trigger Scope Log 2017-01-25 8;43;06 pm.llg

  17. hi, Yes i've managed it to start it, however it sprung a water leak at the back of the engine, and due to the engine being a bit inside the firewall i've been forced to take it out to fix it.

    Now that it's back in i've tried to start it again and i've noticed some things:

    As suggested by Simon i had a play and set the main fuel table to 32 to coldstart it and back down to 18-20 s soon as is actually turning over by itsself. then pogressively turning the fuel down in the main fuel map to keep it going in an attempt to get some temp in it to start with.

    i started the log a bit to late as i was a bit to occupied trying to keep an eye on everything. But u'll be able to see i had it running for a bit and then without changing anything on the fuel tab, and without changing the TP it just died out and from there on out just wouldn't restart anymore no matter what amount of fuel i gave it.

    Fuel presssure stayed the same as it cut off as my eyes were on the gauge.
    IAT is set to off
    warm up enrich is all set to 0
    pre crank, crank and post start enrich are on with values i took from the pc link software's base map fro sxe10

    Could it be that i'm having trouble because the idle control valve is doing its thing and the amount of air isnt measured for so no additional fuel is added while it is operational? So at switch over points in temperature its running to rich at certain points?

    Or is it just down to tuning the charge temp approx table?


    Log 2017-01-24 10;34;02 pm.llg

  18. Yes, Thats correct Scott. I had to pull the engine due to a water leak at the back of the engine at the bulk and fix it in the meantime. Now that it's back in i had another try with it turning all warm up enrichment and accel enrich off and manually keeping it going with making it start with high numbers on the fuel table to get it going. And progressively changing the fuel table as it warms up.
    That way i got it running until it was warm, but once i got my foot off the accelerator it stalled and i was unable to re-start no matter what fuel ing i supplied.

    I started doubting about the Digital Inputs and how i set them up. Anyone that can tell me if i did this correctly?


    beams blacktop sensor (with blactop 20v itb)wire colorlink G4+ storm ecu pinlink ecu wire color
    crank pos sensorblack/white greenshieldTRIGGER 1Black (shielded)
    cam angle sensor intakegreen greenshieldTRIGGER 2red (shielded)
    cam angle sensor exhaustbrown greenshieldDI1Grey/black
    knock sensorblack blueshieldDI3 knockGrey/red
    tps EG GroundBrownGround outgreen tps bundle
    tps idle on/off unused pin with itb'sblack/red////////////////////////////////
    tps (signal wire)yellow/greenAN volt 3Yellow/black
    tps +5V (shared by map)blue/yellow+5V (split with map +5V)Red/Blue
    AEM AFR meter digital outputwhiteAn volt 2White/black
    VTC intake +white/red12V from relay 
    VTC intake -yellow/blackaux 1Orange/Black
    VTC exhaust +greyish brown12v from relay 
    VTC exhaust -lightgreen/blackaux 2Orange/brown
    injector 1redINJ1Brown/Black
    injector 2blueINJ2Brown
    injector 3greenINJ3Brown/Red
    injector 4red/whiteINJ4Brown/Orange
    IGT1 (coilpack1)black/blueIGN1Blue
    shared +12V for all coilpacksblack/white12V from relayrelay 3
    +12V injector shared wireblack/red12V from relayrelay 2
    airtemp 1 bosch airtemp sensorfocTemp 2Yellow/Brown
    shield wires of all triggers (cas, cam, knock) plastic tapeShield/GndGreen
    ground wires for all triggersblueShield/GndGreen
    Fan Relay Aux 3Orange/Red
    Ecu Relay 1 14VRed
    Fuel pump relay Aux 40range
    Tacho Aux 7Orange/Blue
    IACV Aux 8Orange/Purple
    Check engine light  Aux 6Orange/Green
    start position ign switch DI4White/Brown


    This is how i connected it after the tips i got on here.

  19. hi,

    Did the firmware update as requested and checked if it is infact updated and it is.
    Used map compare to have a look to but it didnt get me any wiser.

    Re-wired the AEM wideband to the AN Volt 4 White Back, will post another complete scheme once the other laptop fires up again. (mightt be handy to someone else later on)

    Tried starting several times again to make a log with the AFR on there in wich i learned if i wait untill the fuel pumps stop running and crank it as they have stopped. I get it to turn over for like one second on a few cilinders...

    Made a new log file and base map file and attached it below

    Log 2017-01-18 11;04;11 pm.llg


  20. hi,

    i forgot to answer Scott's question, i have an AEM UEGO sideband kit with the white wire (digital output) to the DI2 on the link.Gauge seems to operate fine.

    Also a mate pointed out i may have wired my idle control solenoid wrong. It currently gets power from the efi relay or +15 relay on one end. And the other end goes in the link ecu i've set it to AUX8 on 160hz (as thats what i found on a forum for this solenoid) so we don't know if it sounds ground or positive power impulses to that solenoid?

  21. hi,

    So, i made the settings so IAT is off or is that not what u meant by turning the charge temp correction off? That wasn't quite clear to me.
    Also bear in mind, i've set all these settings by reading the manuals/online info and all pclink help popups to what i thought they should be set to. (didn't want to bother to much on here before having done some research myself as i want to learn how to a bit by trying)
    With this i mean i've set all settings like traditional fuel equiation mode because the pclink help suggested it for engines that have unstable intake pressure, wich i think this type of setup is?

    About the Map sensor, i've set it to BAP for the same reason as above and left the MAP sensor pipe open to cabin atmosphere. It reads 104.1 now it's -2 degrees outside now but i've got the workshop heated to 14 degrees. Only weird thing is, when i blow/vacuum into the Map connection, it stays on 104kpa on the logging screen, is this due to the BAP setting or is something wrong?

    I've added the base map (i think u might want to have a look in all config settings as i wasnt 100% sure about everything i entered) and the log file. It started for a few seconds after a few times cranking and nearly everytime on first crank and when i stop cranking it fires on one cilinder. Sometimes it fires a good bang out the exhaust/ITB's aswell when i turn off the ignition..


    @Blaine, this "special" Belgian needs to get it going first then...
    I've got good understanding of how an engine works but i'm far off of being an experienced mapper. I do have my own dyno and some experience on power fc's in nissans but this feels like i'm just having a stab at it all as it's the first time on link...

    thanks for the help allready



  22. hi,

    thanks for the tips already!

    i'll try all of the above in my lunch break, sometimes i need to do actual work to... :(

    @blaine, i've used the IAC valve (pulse width modulated) as u mentioned and set it to 160hz i think (will double-check). I pulled the one with the bi metal off first, but then realized it operates to slowly as u pointed out. Good point tho!

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