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Everything posted by Vaughan

  1. copy of your basemap and a log, is it a plugin?
  2. That would suggest an issue with your 12V feed, the 12V feed should remain the same voltage at al of the solenoids regardless of what you are doing, it is possible that your 12V feed isn't actually connected and the 12V you are seeing is actually just the weak pullup on the Aux drives. If you unplug all of the solenoids I would expect you to find that the 12V pin is actually floating
  3. If you set one of the auxiliaries to Test ON (PWM) does the appropriate solenoid make a noise?
  4. The Fury and Xtreme ECUs both have built in E-Throttle controllers, alternatively the Monsoon and Storm can do E-Throttle with an external E-Throttle box. I believe we typically recommend the Fury for the JZ engines as it also has the built in wideband controller, 8 injector drives and 6 ignition drives. I have seen people run them with Atoms or Monsoons (I think those examples were cable throttle) using semi sequential injection and waste spark.
  5. Looking through that it appears to be trying to drive the solenoids and so should be affecting the angles. Have you done the cam angle calibration numbers? (using Cam Angle Test -> Calibrate) Have you wired the solenoids up with an Aux out and a switched 12V?
  6. Vaughan

    Normalised knock

    I would recommend setting your delta learning rates to Fast
  7. I modified the tacho in my MR2 a few years ago using the two resistors metioned elsewhere in the forum and that has worked reliably, I imagine it is possible to do a similar thing cheaply to the 86 and other older toyota tachos but it does involve disassembly and soldering
  8. could you also attach a log of these issues please I would start by giving it a dashpot value but I'm not sure what this value should be for your setup, maybe 5%?
  9. That message shows up because you are changing from the hardcoded 2D table to a general purpose 3d table which may have previously been setup for a completely different function. It has previously been requested that when moving from a 2d hardcoded to a 3d GP table that we copy the contents of the 2d table across and it is on the list of things to do.
  10. If you set the Deadtime Table to be 3D (in the injector setup menu) the axes will be fully configurable, alternatively for all values above 15V just use the 15V value, you shouldn't be operating in this range anyway. There are a number of generic tables that are shared across a variety of functions as it is impractical space wise to have dedicated tables for all of these features. Some functions have disable options that leave the tables allocated so that they are not lost when you re-enable that function. Were there any specific functions you have this issue with?
  11. In the base timing window did you press Enter after putting in a value?
  12. I had a play and a latch based on a voltage range is complicated to implement and even more complicated is having it not detect when you pass through that voltage on the way to a higher one. If you don't want to to wire the buttons to the ECU individually (at least for the things that latch) I would personally go with an arduino and CAN adapter or equivalent as that means you could write as complicated a setup as you want and then just communicate with the ECU through CAN DIs and CAN Analogs. There is a lot of software behind the Cruise Controls analog input option which does differentiate buttons and latch based on an analog voltage. for incrementing and decrementing boost levels you could probably do a very simple setup with a math block or two where you just add small amounts to the value whenever the up button is held and remove small amounts when the down button is held rather than a large increment on each press And then put that value on the axis of a boost target table
  13. You could also use a gp pwm function instead of tacho function which will give you the ability to add an offset
  14. The calibrate feature forces the cam to its resting spot so the ECu knows what the 0deg advanced/retard cam angle is, you might be confusing the calibrate function with the tuning of the PID control loop which does the moving of the cam.
  15. if you change each fan output to test on do all fans turn on?
  16. On the 1.6 motors the signal comes straight from the igniter, on the 1.8 NA motors it looks like it comes from the coils and that bridged pin just adds a pullup. Also regarding CE lights they don't all have them, my mx5 is admittedly a very basic one (1989 NZ new) but it is short quite a few things, this can be checked by pulling the dash cluster but that does involve removing the very fragile cowl. https://www.miataforumz.com/1990-200-Miata-Wiring/95sys.pdf
  17. You could use a GP PWM instead of the IC spray function if you were fine with a slightly simpler activation setup, you would have a minimum frequency of 0.6Hz (spray period of 1.67s) and you could probably get some on/off hysteresis with the activation conditions. You could also do a Math Block setup with a statement like (Oil Temp > X) | (ECT > Y) | (IAT > Z) which can be used to activate the IC spray (use the math block as the activation input). This wouldn't be increasing DC with temp but would be spraying or not spraying with temp. Alternatively if you have separate spray motors and enough outputs you could use gp pwms to individually spray just the cooler that was getting too hot.
  18. have fixed that math block thing, will be in the next release Could maybe make an afr conversion that takes into account the ethanol % runtime and both stoich values, would this would be useful for anything.
  19. looks like that would work just fine, there isn't any special hardware that I can see on those pins
  20. have you set the jumper to bridge the two pins by the header?
  21. I can replicate this, will see if I can get it fixed. If you power cycle after loading and storing the map it works.
  22. Vaughan


    Please attach a copy of your basemap and if possible a short PC Log.
  23. All looks to line up to me.
  24. looks like you can just use the factory wiring.
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