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Please update audi tt CAN stream with torque value in nm , steering angle, steering rate . CAN IDs for those messages are the same as mk5 vw stream. This should cover most of 2005+ audi models with ABS 8.0

Thank you


As far as I can see, Torque is already in the TT stream, with a couple of variations of it transmitted on ID 0x280 (actual torque & torque target), 0x288 (available torque & actual torque), 0x488 (torque target & actual torque).    Steering angle and rate would not normally come from the engine ecu.  Are these steering sensors connected to the ecu?

If you have any concrete info on what is missing and where I can pass it on to Link, no guarantees if they can do it or how soon they could add it though

On 11/15/2019 at 11:25 PM, Adamw said:

As far as I can see, Torque is already in the TT stream, with a couple of variations of it transmitted on ID 0x280 (actual torque & torque target), 0x288 (available torque & actual torque), 0x488 (torque target & actual torque).    Steering angle and rate would not normally come from the engine ecu.  Are these steering sensors connected to the ecu?

If you have any concrete info on what is missing and where I can pass it on to Link, no guarantees if they can do it or how soon they could add it though

Hi, Adam.

I spent some time playing around with Audi scanning tool , looking thru all the parameters and comparing data received with tt stream vs mk5 stream. 

with audi tt stream i see following parameters in ABS module from link thunder


accelerator position % value

torque  loss value . not sure where this value is taken from. # does not change

torque value in NM  missing message

link does not see steering rate or steering angle message from abs

link receives 4 abs wheel sensors data

one error in abs module is impossible message from engine ecu


with mk5 stream i see following parameters


accelerator position % value

torque loss value number does not change 

torque  value is present changes with rpm 

link thunder receives data from 4 abs wheel sensors, steering angle and steering rate sent from abs module

brake lights are always on due to errors

2 errors in abs module are multiple missing messages and ecu communication error or wrong ecu

As per our conversation in another thread you have mention that torque value in tt stream is a percentage of all available torque which data is taken from throttle angle percentage. I think audi/vw has changed something around 2006 in ESP data . I think it is same can id now as mk5 stream . 

How much work would it be to update audi tt stream with torque data sent to same can id as mk5.



11 hours ago, replica-rs4 said:

Whats the CAN ID  for torque on mk5 stream? 

I dont know sorry, I have no info on that stream.  I could sniff my test ecu but I dont know how or if that would help you.

Unless someone can sniff your car and document exactly what is missing, what each missing message does and how it is all formatted etc, there is no easy way to help you.  You cant just stab in the dark and copy paste bits of different CAN streams together to try until you have success as there is so much data moving around and so many different combinations of how it could be layed out you would be there for 20 years. 

You might have to buy a basic sniffing tool and learn how to use it to get much further.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi , 

I got a CAN sniffing tool on the way. Definitely a bit of a learning curve here . Collecting data is the easy part. Would you land a helping hand in trying to decipher all incoming data ? Im very determined in making this work.  

Thank you 

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