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Kpro-like VTEC Windowing - in the absence of a 'Generic Table' type function I came up with this:

Math Block 1: VTECWindowLow

Param b Map

Param b Engine Speed


Math Block 2: VTECWindowMid

Param b Map

Param b Engine Speed


Math Block 3: VTECWindowHigh

Param b Map

Param b Engine Speed


Math Block 4: VTECWindow

Param a: math block 1

Param b: math block 2

Param c: math block 3


Then feed math block 4 as one of the parameters for the GP Output for vtec:

Param 1 : math block 4

Param 2 : ECT>69c

Param 3 : Vehicle Speed >10kph

Switch Logic: 1 and 2 and 3

Works Well!

Notes: the an oil pressure check could be added. VTSP appears to be inverted on my car.

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On 7/8/2023 at 8:57 AM, atlex said:

Kpro-like VTEC Windowing - in the absence of a 'Generic Table' type function I came up with this:

I've done similar to this without using Math Blocks.


So using GP PWM outputs I setup a condition for TPS > 10% and Driving Speed > 20km/h that outputs to a CAN output table to give hysterisis for MGP activation.
This means if VVT isn't already on, you have to reach -5kPa MGP before it will turn on, but if it's already on it can drop to -10kPa before turning off.

Then I've got aonther GP PWM output for Oil Pressure > 60kPa and ECT > 65deg that then provides hysterisis for RPM.
So VVT will activate at 1500rpm and stay on until 7200rpm, but once above that it won't turn back on until you drop down to 6800rpm.
This helps prevent it rapidly turning on and off if you're at the deactivation point.

I then feed both these in to the main VVT output activation where both have to be 100% and Engine running for > 10s.

All of this means that VVT will activate between 1500 and 7200 above -5kPa MGP.
But only when the engine has been on for 10s, ECT is above 65deg, Oil Pressure is above 60kPa, you're over 20km/h and above 10% TPS.

With the added bonus that you can drip below -5kPa MGP for a moment and it won't cycle on/off, and if you drop below 7200rpm it won't instantly come back on.

You can obviously just change the set points to suit your application if you want VVT on/off at different RPMs or Manifold Pressures.

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On 7/8/2023 at 1:34 AM, DerekAE86 said:

I've done similar to this without using Math Blocks.

Big Inspiration. I've now written something very similar but for the VTEC - the GP PWM / CAN AUX is a very interesting way to run this. Once I've got the ecu on the car and running I'll test it out / publish it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@DerekAE86 I've never tried but you can combine the following formulas Power=Force x Speed and Force=Mass x Acceleration

It gives you Power=Mass x Acceleration x Speed but you need to use SI units

So it's more problably something like : Power (kW)=Mass(Kg) x Accleleration(g) x 9.81 x Speed(Km/h) x 1000/3600

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/11/2023 at 7:55 PM, atlex said:

Big Inspiration. I've now written something very similar but for the VTEC - the GP PWM / CAN AUX is a very interesting way to run this. Once I've got the ecu on the car and running I'll test it out / publish it.

And here it is - Much nicer than Maths blocks for this particular use-case.

vtec window with gp pwm table.JPG

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  • 6 months later...

Can someone help me with the following mathblock?

I want to calculate the estimated horsepower with this calculation:
Parameter a: Engine speed
Parameter b: Air per cylinder estimation
Equation: a*b/15/2/7,55*10

Somehow it always has the outcome of 550, but when i enter the values from a log manually into the calculator it comes up with the right number.

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Can you simplify the equation? You have two variables but then a whole bunch of static numbers being continuously calculated.

You use a comma, but does Link expect a decimal point? I don't know what the comma does for the syntax but if you're always getting 550, it seems like the equation is ignoring everything to the left of the comma and just giving you the result 55*10. Maybe using the comma instead of decimal point to show your decimal places is throwing it off.

Can you simplify it down to the two parameters and a single number?

Could you just do a*b / 22.65? I'm not sure exactly what your order of operations is.

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On 5/2/2024 at 8:50 PM, Laminar said:

Can you simplify the equation? You have two variables but then a whole bunch of static numbers being continuously calculated.

You use a comma, but does Link expect a decimal point? I don't know what the comma does for the syntax but if you're always getting 550, it seems like the equation is ignoring everything to the left of the comma and just giving you the result 55*10. Maybe using the comma instead of decimal point to show your decimal places is throwing it off.

Can you simplify it down to the two parameters and a single number?

Could you just do a*b / 22.65? I'm not sure exactly what your order of operations is.

Damn, you might be right about the comma for a decimal point, will try that tomorrow!
And to be fair, i don't really understand the equation. I got it from an Excel sheet where you can fill in the Engine speed, Airmass per cylinder and the number of cilinders.

It looks like it converts the Airmass g/cyl to airmass g/s, so that is part of the equation.
I might be better off using just the 22.65 value, since the amount of cilinders is static of course.

Update: It was indeed the comma which caused the issue!
With the following equation it works: a*b/15/2/7.55*10

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