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OBD2 on same CAN Module as CAN-Lambda?


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I have a JZX100X (Link G4X JZX100 plug-in) and by default CAN 2 has a channel configured to drive the stock dash. 

I am using a dual device CAN extension cable from NZEFI (https://www.nzefi.com/product/nzefi-link-g4-g4-dual-device-can-extension-cable/) with the long end plugged in to the CAN Lambda module. Is it possible to wire in a OBD2 plug connected to the second plug on the extension cable? Does OBD2 need to be the only device on the CAN module it is enabled  for?

I did some test wiring but could not get my bluetooth OBD2 module to work. This is the current CAN Config (CAN 1 is currently disabled):


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OBD2 only works at 250 or 500Kbit, the onboard Toyota BEAN converter runs at 1Mbit so you wont be able to run OBD2 on CAN 2.

Check with tech support next week but I suspect if you ship the ecu back they will fix the CAN1 port. I think it was just the first batch of boards that didnt have CAN1 connected.

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