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Nissan / Honda Speed Signal Output

Sam Flay

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I have a 98 Nissan Pulsar, running an S15 G4+ Plugin ecu, Ive read up on a few threads for converting the output signal from the ECU to the speedometer using an Aux output.

Im installing a Honda K-Series Transmission which does use a similar style speed sensor to the Nissan however (not confirmed yet) Im anticipating the output signal to be different, once connected to the ecu I'm hoping its just a case of adjusting the multiplier? to get the output to read to the speedometer?

There is another style of speed sensor on some Honda boxes that uses a hall effect sensor read from the gears, would this be a simpler option?

Is this feasible?

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Yes, it should be fine with the sensor you have.  Connect the K series sensor direct to a DI.  You will need the cap/resistor to make the Aux output signal appear more like an AC signal to the speedo as per the other thread but that should be all.

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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

Yes, it should be fine with the sensor you have.  Connect the K series sensor direct to a DI.  You will need the cap/resistor to make the Aux output signal appear more like an AC signal to the speedo as per the other thread but that should be all.

Presumably the hall effect sensor should work in the same way then if connected correctly.

So I should be running pin 2 from the VSS to no.32 on the ECU and sensor grounding pin 1.

Then outputting the ecu to pin 12 on the speedometer?

Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 13.36.58.png

Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 13.40.22.png

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8 hours ago, Sam Flay said:

Presumably the hall effect sensor should work in the same way then if connected correctly.

Yes, you would need to run a 3rd wire to power it however.


8 hours ago, Sam Flay said:

So I should be running pin 2 from the VSS to no.32 on the ECU and sensor grounding pin 1.

Correct.  polarity doesnt matter on a VR sensor.


8 hours ago, Sam Flay said:

Then outputting the ecu to pin 12 on the speedometer?

Hard to tell which one is the signal on the drawings you attached.  Could be 10 or 12, one of them will likely have continuity to ground so use the other one.


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