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Trigger arming voltage


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Hello, on honda b seriss engines because of their reluctor crank and cam sensors I have issues. Mostly when change the distributor issues gone. Issue is trig1 and trig2 are “yes” when I checked from f12 but trig1 error counter rises and engine misfires. When I played with trigger arming threshold (I always use what link help filre writes for b16 and b18 engines on engine specific tab) sometimes it solves the issues but I want to have a detailed information. I read the help file but I information about what is the effects of decreasing or increasing voltage settings just for my knowledge. 

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Trigger arming threshold is the voltage that the triggersignal must rise above before the ECU will "arm" and accept as a tooth the next time is falls below zero. If the signal doesnt rise above the arming threshold then the ECU ignores the signal.  

This is used to block noise - for instance if there is 0.2V of noise on your trigger signal at idle, and your arming threshold is 0.5V, then the ecu will ignore all the noise.  Only when the signal goes above 0.5V then it will be accepted as a valid signal.  

So if you have is set to low it will let noise through, if you have it set too high the ecu will block actual real teeth.  

Typically an arming threshold about 1/3 to 1/2 the peak signal voltage works well.  You use the triggerscope to set this correctly.  So if for instance at 2000RPM you trigger signal max voltage is 3V, then arming threshold about 1-1.5V should work well.

Some further notes from the help file below.






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