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RPM's Not Drooping Smoothly

Kelly Riley

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After getting a new tune and going to Multi Fuel Equation Mode I'm having an issue with the rpm's not smoothly dropping back to idle and sometimes hanging at 2K.  This and flucuating idle both occur even after the engine is up to full operating temp.  Everything else about the tune is incredible. (Aristo, single, E85, etc).  The old tune would go full lean when letting out of the throttle but this one leaves it richer longer.  Any assistance in resolving this issue would be great.

110620 Dotson Tune.pclr 111920 Coast (4th then 3rd).llg 111920 Decel.llg 111920 Flucuating Idle.llg

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The idle set-up and idle ign looks like a mess.  Also your E-throttle has been left in set-up mode which is dangerous, all safety features are disabled in set-up mode. 

Personally I would be going back to the tuner and asking them to fix it as this is a very half ass job.  The E-throttle target is wrong, the idle base position table is wrong, and the idle ignition and main ignition is so badly matched your timing is bouncing between 35 and 4 degrees when slowing down.   The E-throttle safety especially pisses me off that anyone would let a job go out like that.

If you have no joy with the tuner, then I can probably fix the idle.  I will need a PC log of a cold start, and keep it logging until up to normal operating temp, then a couple of minutes of normal driving. 

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11 hours ago, Adamw said:

The idle set-up and idle ign looks like a mess.  Also your E-throttle has been left in set-up mode which is dangerous, all safety features are disabled in set-up mode. 

Personally I would be going back to the tuner and asking them to fix it as this is a very half ass job.  The E-throttle target is wrong, the idle base position table is wrong, and the idle ignition and main ignition is so badly matched your timing is bouncing between 35 and 4 degrees when slowing down.   The E-throttle safety especially pisses me off that anyone would let a job go out like that.

If you have no joy with the tuner, then I can probably fix the idle.  I will need a PC log of a cold start, and keep it logging until up to normal operating temp, then a couple of minutes of normal driving. 

That is disapointing to hear as the performance end of the tune is incredible.  Adam, since the tuner is out of state, I would love nothing more than for you to adjust anything and everything that you deem fit, and it would greatly be appreciated!  I will get the log you requested heading your way.

Thanks so much.  KR

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Adam, here's the log you requested.  I cold started it and immediately hit record, (I didn't know if turning it over would lose connection with the ecu).  You can see initially see that as I pulled out of the garage the RPM's hung up at 2K, I engine braked it back to normal so it could warm up at 1K.  Upon normal driving after warmup, it clearly starts acting up.  As stated earlier, make ANY changes you deem neccesary and thank you so much.


112120 Cold Start.llg

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Dont just rely on Adam to sort it out, the tuner needs to be aware of the throttle issue, thats pretty important considering it is a safety issue. It could have been an oversight, however shouldnt have happened. The warning comes up and is pretty clear that it is just for setup.

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1 hour ago, Ben C said:

Dont just rely on Adam to sort it out, the tuner needs to be aware of the throttle issue, thats pretty important considering it is a safety issue. It could have been an oversight, however shouldnt have happened. The warning comes up and is pretty clear that it is just for setup.

I get it, I have an Innovate SCG-1 that controls the wastegate and wideband and will dump pressure in the event it goes lean or over boost's but I will be discussing the Issues that Adam discovered.

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16 minutes ago, Adamw said:

Try the attached, hopefully will be a step in the right direction.  Do us another log of some driving.  Once we have idle behaving we can try have a look at the throttle setting. 

DotsonTune idle changes 1.pclr 164.56 kB · 1 download

Sweet, thanks so much.


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TONS smoother, idle/drop worked great!  The engine did die once at a stop towards the end of the log, don't know if that is E-throttle related or what.  I logged a complete cold start and a stint of driving and they are attatched.  Thank you so much.


112320 Regular Driving.llg

Both files exceeded the max limit so the new cold start is a no go.  I tried it in an additional post and it wouldn't go despite only being 2.7MB.

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The stall is because you have no speed sensor set up.  Typically you use the speed sensor to disable idle control when the car is moving.  In your case the speed is zero all the time so when you are coasting the ecu is closing the throttle trying to bring the idle down to target - but of course the wheels are driving the RPM so closing the throttle has no effect.  Then you push in the clutch the engine is not being driven by the wheels anymore and the throttle is now too closed so it stalls.  As far as I know an IS300 should have a vehicle speed sensor connected to the ecu so it would be worth investigating why yours doesnt have one set up and fix it.  Otherwise you will have to adjust your driving style by pushing in the clutch earlier when coasting to a stop.

For your logs you will have to share it using google drive, onedrive, drop box etc.


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14 minutes ago, Adamw said:

The stall is because you have no speed sensor set up.  Typically you use the speed sensor to disable idle control when the car is moving.  In your case the speed is zero all the time so when you are coasting the ecu is closing the throttle trying to bring the idle down to target - but of course the wheels are driving the RPM so closing the throttle has no effect.  Then you push in the clutch the engine is not being driven by the wheels anymore and the throttle is now too closed so it stalls.  As far as I know an IS300 should have a vehicle speed sensor connected to the ecu so it would be worth investigating why yours doesnt have one set up and fix it.  Otherwise you will have to adjust your driving style by pushing in the clutch earlier when coasting to a stop.

For your logs you will have to share it using google drive, onedrive, drop box etc.


I will look into the speed sensor issue. I was able to send you a driving log in the previous post, just not another cold start.  I’ll look into the methods you mentioned on future logs. 


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Adam, could you please take a look at the e throttle settings from that last log I sent and see if perhaps you could "improve" them?  Meanwhile I've been in contact with Panic Wire about the vehicle speed sensor that apparently hasn't been connected since I switched to a CD009 transmission.  Going to try piping it in from the ABS ecu I think.

Thank you,


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For the E-throttle, you will need to switch it in to "On" mode and go for a drive while logging.  If it doesnt go into limp mode during the drive then it can probably stay in "ON" mode and no further adjustment is needed.  If it does go into limp mode, then save the log and switch back to set-up mode to get you home.  Then we will take a look at the log.

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Adam, I turned E Throttle to "on" and went for a drive.  I got an error fairly quickly and it went into limp mode.  I put it back into "setup" and got everything going again.  I logged 5 runs after returning it to "on" mode but never got a code/ limp mode, but the rpm's are hanging up again and not coming down to the proper idle.  I zipped the last run and attatched it, could you give it a look and see what you think?  The car seemed to perform really well in "on" mode other than what I described.  On the startup on this log you will see flucuating around 1000rpm, I changed 0-1000rpm to 3 as opposed to 2 and that solved that problem.  Once again, I don't know jack about it compared to you.

Thank you,


112720 E Log 5.zip

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've attempted to attatch new tune and log with One Drive link, firmware has been updated FYI.  No codes were thrown with E-Throttle "on" but I'm still not 100% confident that the current settings will prevent that from hapening at some point. I'm still working on wiring in a VSS soloution unless the infrequant stall issue can be tuned around, because the pinout has me a bit confused at the moment.


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Your onedrive link doesnt work, but I got your email with same files anyhow.  It is just a tune issue, the throttle PID isnt quite right and it gets a small oscillation in it after a big change in target which makes the error accumulator increment.

Im not really sure what to adjust but I would start by setting the proportional, Integral & derivative to the values in the help file for the Toyota throttle, and do another log to see if it is better or worse.  



Try these PID values:


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