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Possible to use AN Temp inputs for extra Analog inputs?


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So I am going through the exercise of building a base calibration for a 2GRFE on the G4X for a project I have coming up, and am running out of Analog inputs.  This made me wonder if it was possible to use the AN temp 1 or 2 inputs to read in the 5v signal from oil or fuel pressure sensors (because the pull up resistors can be turned off on these inputs).  Playing with this in the software has shown that it is possible to set these inputs to oil or fuel pressure, but they do not offer any type of calibration when selected this way (latest sofware installed).  Is this a bug or is this intentional?  If I set them to any type of temp input the option for a calibration comes up.



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Reading through the notes of the recent changes to temp input capabilities it does look like the intent was to allow the temp inputs to be used in this way, but I think pressures may have been overlooked.  

I will get this on the list to have another look at.

In the mean time the work around would be to do it via a GP input and math block like below.  I know, a bit of a ball ache...



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