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Traction Control DI showing up as "Knock Table 5 Level"


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I've just finished the migration from Fury G4+ to G4X. Traction control was working normally on the previous ECU.


When I set the Disable DI to DI 6 it keeps showing up as Knock Table 5 Level and I can't seem to get it to work properly.

My DI 6 switch is providing 12V to the pin.


Photo and tune file attached.

Any help would be appreciated!



PCLink 12_8_2020 2_19_38 PM.png

Dean G4X 081220 Updated Firmware.pclx

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So the I/O in the G4x is a bit different.  It appears whatever file you started with had that input set up as Knock Table level 5.  The simple solution is to create a GP input on the digital inputs called Traction Disable and reassign DI6 to that.  I'm not sure how you can actually select Knock Table level 5 as the pin assignment in the software.






Ok, I realize now that when you do that it disconnects it from the traction disable...  There must be a software bug in the naming of that input when assigned to traction disable. 

A work around would be to assign it to the GP input as I describe and then set a virtual aux output to be the disable on the Traction control when DI6 is active.  I'm not 100% sure that will actually work...


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The Knock Table Level is the knock level for that cylinder and should be a built in fixed table and not an input - so I think it would probably work fine as is with the wrong label, as I can't see it actually being an input pin assignment, but yeah let us know how it goes.

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Just had a thought. I'm using a modified version of the custom CAN setup from my G4+ (to communicate with the AIM dash), and I replaced a few of the original Knock Level spots with my digital outputs (logging, traction, launch, boost). Could the CAN setup be messing with labels?

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1 minute ago, Adamw said:

BTW, the CAN is quite different in G4X so you will have to rescale lots of parameters.  There is a new "configurable generic dash" template in the PC Link CAN folder to give you something to start.

Yes, I did notice that. I offset the few that need to go negative (temps and MGP) in the Link CAN setup, and the rest (kpa -> psi etc) in the AIM custom CAN. It's been a good journey to really get to know the software back to front!

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