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Traction Control Activation


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I'm on planing to active the traction control on my car, but i have two question :

My car is a FWD with one sensor in the front axle and one sensor on the rear ..

  in a few hard  corner at the track ,  one of the rear tyre don't have contact to the ground  so the speed from this wheel is near 0.  In this condition, when i exit from the corner i do the Wot with full throttle and the traction control cut me the power.

Example, rear sensor on the right rear wheel, in the hard corner to right, the right rear wheel go up and slow down speed.

If i use two rear speed sensor and set the Non Driven wheel speed source setting as : Max rear speed , the ecu take a look at the max speed on the rear , so it's the tyre to ground and the Traction don't cut the power in corner exit?

I have a 12 position trim pot for set the % slip target , but i don't have a Digital input wired as Traction control switch...

Can i have the traction control always active and with the Trim pot i change the slip % target from a low value to a high value for disable them?

Example, for disable them , at 12 position i use a max value 50%?



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@Adamw, can you tell me your opinion about this?

When i set the traction control On, if i don't want to have a Traction control switch i can do it?

So , when the traction control is active in the software, the momentary switch is used for disabled them? , if i don't have a switch, the traction control il always On and i can set a large % slip in the table for have it "Off"?

I have see the max slip threshold on tabel is 50%

The car is a road race circuit time attack, so 50% of max slip threshold is enough for disable them.

The choice of two speed sensor for the rear in a FWD car can solve my issue about the very hard corner when the wheel inside the corner lose the contact with the ground?

In a turbocharger engine, it's better to have a low ,max retard value and  use the fuel cut o ignition cut ? This for prevent damage to turbocharger and manifold..

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You can set a non-driven wheel speed lockout - so traction control won't activate if your non-driven wheel speed is below this value. However, this might cut power as the wheel is lifting (and slowing, therefore increasing slip).

I believe you may be able to use one of the positions on the trim pot and a Virtual Aux to act as a Traction Disable "switch" (in this example, I've used position 1) by switching to a 2nd Slip table.




Inspiration for this idea taken from this thread - I've not actually tested this though!


But otherwise, yes, I think that adding an extra wheel speed sensor to the rear of the car so you've always got a valid non-driven wheel speed would probably be the better option.

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