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SR20VE Taarks Hall Effect trigger offset

David Reid

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I have the taarks cam based trigger kit below


I have followed the setup guide and believe engine speed is calculating correctly as I get approx 250rpm during cranking.

However it wont fire up and only backfires through the exhaust and intake.

I believe this is because the guide specifies no value for trigger offset.

Does anyone know what this should be or have an approx value I can use to fire it up and then get a timing gun on it.



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8 hours ago, Adamw said:

They show a value of 292° for the Haltech setup, so try -292 in the link (negative).  Otherwise you can still put a timing light on it during cranking.

Thankyou I will try that, unfortunately another issue I have is the Uk have just entered a much tighter lockdown and I would borrow a friends however that is now not possible without braking the rules. I'll place an order to buy one but it will take a few days to get here

I was also considering measuring mechanically as I believe this value is the point the magnet passes the sensor. So if I put a degree wheel on the crank and then calculate the offset mechanically from TDC I should be able to enter this and get an approx value

Is my understanding correct?


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