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Hi Everyone,


Apologies for another thread, I just cant wrap my head around why I cant get any spark.

New ECU install on an RB25 Series 2,
Checked wiring for coils - OK, getting 12v
Checked coils - OK
Checked plugs - OK
Trig 1 Signal - YES
Trig 2 Signal - YES

And I am getting approx 150-300RPM when cranking.

Connected ground to plug body and tried cranking, no sparks.

Any ideas would be great!
Thank you

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16 minutes ago, Adamw said:

Do you have a spark when you use the ignition test function? 

Can you attach your tune and a log of it cranking.

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the quick response, no sparks when I use ignition test function, will upload tune plus log of engine cranking this evening.

Thanks for your help

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  • JOEL changed the title to [SOLVED] NO SPARK RB25 S2

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