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1uzfe supercharged fueling issue


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hi there 

changed my 1uzfe from itbs to m112 supercharger . with elate mfg inlet and bosch 440cc injectors. and no matter how much fuel add to fuel table its lean soon as positive pressure  ,its driving  me nuts . going to add fuel pressure sensor to reg so can check pressure as going at weekend . i have tried turning the pressure up .

tried diff master fuel and changed whole fuel table tp map not tps axis and still same .says injector duty cycle reached. not sure if i messed setting up .

its got bosch 440cc ford focus st injectors and walbro 255lph intank,  is this eneugh for 1uzfe at 8-9psi boost 

i now seem to be just making me whole tune a mess messing around with it . used to rev up fine on itbs .

now if rev gently to say 15% throttle  it holds  about 13-14 afr  , anymore  than that it goes lean and cuts about 2500-300 depending how hard press pedal even in neutral which very odd.

any suggestions welcome .

i could have just messed setting up but cant keep trying it lean as it wont do it any good.

will attatch map and log of drive and log of rev 


wont let attach long drive log yet will try comment it . attched a netural rev log



S15 SILVIA 1UZFE SUPERCHARGER BASE map (1).pclx PC Datalog - 2021-07-30 4;33;02 pm.llgx

have 7 minute log can email over if someone can help .wont let me attach

should also add i have tried accel enrich on tps and map on various settings 

i thinking 255 lph not enough or 440cc injectors not enough or i messed injector setting up .


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First step would be to confirm fuel pressure.  You have 100% injector duty cycle during a free rev so something is very wrong with fuel flow (i.e injectors are already fully open and cant flow anymore).  

A 440cc injector on pump gas should be capable of about 60HP per cyl.  The 255lph fuel pump should be good for near 500HP depending on boost press. 

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hi thanks for reply .  yea thats why thought i done a setting wrong ,  from inpecting last nite not sure it genuine walbro pump , says on it walbro but means nothing these days . compared genuine one looks little different ,

i have ordered a deutschworks 340lph unit and pressure sensor for the fuel regulator ,hopefully this resolves my issue .

i have copy my map before pulling fuel table all over so i can go back to that as base point if fix the issue .i noticed when turn off t pump dont hold pressue for even few seconds also.

it feeds into the left rail . pair bridge lines  to right rail then line from right rail to pressure reg and back tank . set at 4.5 bar atm . 

thanks again will report back when have fresh pump and pressure sensor in .

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