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Trigger issues with 1.5JZ


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Hi guys, 

Just off the dyno with a mates car and we are having bad trigger issues so im looking for advice. 

We have changes both crank & cam wires to shielded wires & checked all earth points. this all made it alot better but there is still something holding us back from reaching our rpm limiter. 

i will attach my tune & Log for advice. you will see the weird spike in rpm reaching 11-12000 rpm. 

Any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated. 

We have ordered a new crank trigger wheel which is our next port of call. 

Thanks guys.

1.5JZ trigger issue.pclr callum trigger issue 6600.llg

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Definately the voltage improves a lot with the filter reduced so that could potentially be the cause of the problem.  So leave the filter on level one and drop the arming threshold at 7000 back to 3V.  Let us know if that helps.


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