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Hardwire PDM

Steve Bull

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I have a link G4x xtreme, Blink Marine 12 keypad, Haltech dash, AEM wideband and a Hardwire PDM all connected on CANBUS.

Mostly there all communicating correctly other than the PDM. I had hardwire themselves trying to sort the issues out but didn't get it 100% sorted. If the engine ran then one of the streams didn't get sent. No errors were shown on the ecu the PDM just shown flaged out. So I have now got reconfigure the PDM can to see the same stream as the dash, which I hope will be fine 2 items using the same. 
Most of the stuff goes fine from ecu to PDM but going the other way isn't. I can send a simple value of 1 and the ecu can see sorts of values. If I send just a status again the ecu can some show "out of range" or the active will occilate when on. 
Any ideas
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Can you attach your pdm and ecu configs.  From memory the hardwire cant take compound messages so it probaby wont be able to interpret the generic dash stream.  

Also, if you havent already discovered yourself - make sure you have the ignition switch on before you plug the usb cable into those things, they do some fruity stuff if you have the usb cable connected before ign switch is on.  

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I'm in the proceess of re doing the Can for the PDM. When i first did it, the PDM didn't like more than one frame in each stream, it had about 5 Can Id's one frame each. Is that what you ment by compound messages. They sort of figured that out on 3 hr teamveiw on Monday. They suggested using the generic dash but there set up is for the G4+ not G4x. Ill just filter the parts heeded.

As soon as I've got it where i want it, more or less configured ill send you them

With the PDM 25+ you can plug the USB lead in and configure it without power as it works on the 5v. 

The main issue is the data from PDM to ecu. As it uses/sees the can data from the keypad.to start the engine  I wanted the use the keypad/PDM to send to ecu to open the accusump then the ecu to send a start signal back to PDM to start the engine as soon as there 2bar oil pressure.  

I had configured the Link ecu but the issues is the initial signal from PDM. As the Link doesn't see it correctly. 

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I would usually do a custom stream, you typically dont need a lot of data to a PDM, usually fan and fuel pump request, maybe e-throttle and then usually only a couple of button presses coming back the other way.

10 hours ago, Steve Bull said:

With the PDM 25+ you can plug the USB lead in and configure it without power as it works on the 5v. 

Yes, but if you then turn the ignition on after that they do very weird stuff, all the voltages and currents read wrong, settings revert etc.  

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Thanks for that, the only reason I was going to use the same can message ID as the dash, was, I could see the dash was getting the signal all the time even when the engine was running. For some reason as soon as the engine started the first can stream flagged out on the PDM. when the engine stopped it started receiving it again.

I know what you mean about the voltages  not ring true and all over the place.  When you are monitoring all the values they're all up and down there never constant even a stable 5 Volt sender can sometimes read 6v.  

Have you any idea why the can data  from the PDM to the ecu  isn't accurate. I want to be able to send data from the pm to the ecu the as is not accurate or constant I've never got it to work properly, majority is fine going in the opposite direction. I wasn't sure if there's some special configuration that I need to take into account that you know of, as normally can data is 100% correct or not received.  

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Dont judge me on the bad all over the place set up on both the Link and PDM. Some of this was done to workout and solve the issues.  Both maps are still very much a working process. Saying that Im still a novice to the world of CAN and both system are different even though they should be identical. The terminology between the two makes also a similar but different and the same terms can mean different things on each make. But have a look saving see any glaring errors and if you could put me in the right direction. But the dash, O2 sensor and Link ecu all work fine together. When the blink marine keypad has had found by the link that also works correctly and it's extremely quick though its configuration is slightly different to that of the PDM. The PDM did go for a phase where it was having issues with the keypad but  it seemed to sort itself out. I been told that the keypads cant be used by the Link and PDM at the same time, which is a shame but i can see they would be issues if they did.

20220815 sort out CAN as DASH.hwpdm 20220815 b4 sorting the E throttle.pclx

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Why do you need things like oil & fuel press, baro, lambda etc in the PDM?  Probably better to have the ecu control the start/stop function so it has more safeties - clutch switch, cuts fuel and injectors etc so I will change that unless you disagree.  What dash do you have?  

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Yes there a lot of data going through, majority is the PDM's own Link setup. I kept a lot of it just to see If it was all up and running. But your right half of it can be removed.

Things like fuel pressure are there for when it's all running. As the ecu  will do the FIP on 2 stage. Fuel pressure is a fail safe in case it's falls below 3bar or the PDM doesn't get the signal. Of course they'll be safe guards in place.

The dash is a haltech IC 7 

Yea the ECU will hopefully do the engine start but it needs to get a clear signal from the keypad via the PDM. But then the ecu will tell the PDM to provide power to the starter.

Do you think I would be better to let the link ecu see and control the Can keypad and just tell the PDM what been pressed. I've only briefly looked at the Link doing that as the PDM is doing all the switching. 

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Ive tried some of the CAN coms between the two units, it seem like the PDM has a  big  issue as it cant read more then the first frame in a stream.  Ive attempted altering the PDM's Can input  ID by 2 if its frame 3 i need but its still not happy. The link doesn't like any of the data from the PDM.

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Try these.  I have just set up some basics as examples.  PDM CAN input I have set up as a single compound message.  Differential fuel press is on the 2nd frame so check that is coming through.  

PDM CAN output I couldnt really understand how the indicators were meant to work so I have left channel 2 blank (this would be received as CAN DI2 in the ECU).  You have traction disable set up in ECU on CAN DI4, but no traction button in the PDM so I assigned it to button 9 as an example.

SteveBull.hwpdm CAN simplified.pclx

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