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Ignition Timing Setpoint during Cranking


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I'd like some feedback on how to handle ignition timing during cranking, especially from people using Ethanol.

After searching the software and the guide, I understand that Ignition timing during cranking could come from 2 different sources : 
1. Idle Ignition control is OFF : Ignition Timing setpoint comes from the Main ignition table (+ corrections)
2. Idle Ignition control is ON : ignition timing setpoint during cranking will be equal to ignition idle target

I'm in the second case and it's a problem because my sweet spot for idle control is +5°CRK whereas the sweet spot for cranking the engine with the tank full of ethanol E85 during the winter is more like +25/30°CRK.
With 5°CRK the engine starts, but it's a bit chaotic to be honest, and crank enrichment is not the problem here, stock ECU would start the engine perfectly, in the same conditions, thanks to a dedicated spark map during cranking.

Any workaround ideas ?

Would it be possible to have a dedicated Spark map during cranking ? Or maybe a Low RPM lock out setting in the Idle function that would disengage idle control during cranking so we could use the main ignition map and keep Idle Ignition Control ON ?


Cold Start.png

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At the moment probably the best workaround would be to turn off idle ign control and instead use a 4D or dual ign table that gets activated only during idle conditions and set this up with idle target error Vs ECT similar to how the old "idle ignition table" in G4+ worked.

I would like to see if in the future we can have an option to enable a table for idle ign target instead of just a fixed single value but I have yet to discuss this with the firmware guys and havent put much thought into it so im not sure if it is possible or difficult yet.  

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16 hours ago, Adamw said:

At the moment probably the best workaround would be to turn off idle ign control and instead use a 4D or dual ign table that gets activated only during idle conditions and set this up with idle target error Vs ECT similar to how the old "idle ignition table" in G4+ worked.

I would like to see if in the future we can have an option to enable a table for idle ign target instead of just a fixed single value but I have yet to discuss this with the firmware guys and havent put much thought into it so im not sure if it is possible or difficult yet.  

Thanks Adam for your answer. Unfortunately 4D, 5D and dual ignition tables are already used.

Having a table instead of a single value would be great as I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with Ethanol based fuels. Or maybe just a Low RPM lock out setting in the idle control function, quick and easy.

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