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S2000 G4X and aem cd7


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Hello, I have an S2000 with the G4X pnp. Also have an aem cd7 wired up. I have a CAN status notification on the dash that states CAN1 Received Timeout.  This message did not display and dash was working on my old ecu (aem v2).  Since I switched to link, that message now displays. I downloaded the (link dbc file) on dash design and imported to dash. Is there something that has to be configured? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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i was able to get the dash to display some things and my “can 1 ok” message displays. So far i have rpm, coolant temp, battery voltage. Im trying to get afr, boost psi, and fuel pressure psi to display. Ive been messing with the inputs, and cant find the correct ones to display. I have an aem x series wideband controller 30-0310 thats wired into can 1 with a can splitter. The cd7 is plugged into the other plug on the splitter. Afr displays 0 on dash and doesnt change when car is running. 

fuel pressure is on ANV7.


dont know what input is for boost psi on link ecu. 


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