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Knock Level Limit?


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I have been looking at logs recently, and noticed that even when Knock Global increases, Knock Level is capped at exactly 1000*Knk Level Gain.  In this case, the gain is at 0.53, 4cyl using a distributor.  Is this normal?

The car is currently running 100 octane race gas, with what should be fairly reasonable ignition timing for 91 pump gas.



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Knock level global is the raw noise level from the knock sensor, this is multiplied by the cyl gain when the specific cyl window is active.  A knock level global of 1000 means the input is saturated, it cant measure a higher voltage.  If your cyl 1 knock level is showing a flat line at 530, this means the knock level global was pegged at 1000 everytime the cyl 1 window was captured.  

Im assuming you are using the stock sensor?, this saturation is common with the Toyota resonant frequency sensors, they usually arent useful with a modified engine.  Swap is for a flat response sensor.  If you already have a flat response, then just turn the main gain down.   

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