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Brake lights based on pressure data from CAN bus?


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I have a Razor PDM & Fury ECU talking over CAN bus and controlling things like the fans & fuel pump correctly.  My next goal was to actuate the brake lights with the PDM based on pressure voltages from the ECU.

Wiring currently

  • ECU AnVolt 8 - Front brake pressure
  • ECU AnVolt 9 - Rear brake pressure
  • PDM PWROUT2a - Brake lights

Bonus points for redundancy such that if a brake pressure sensor fails the brake lights still work.

Extra bonus points if we can make the brakes blink.


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GP analog 1 is front brakes, GP analog 2 is rear brakes, CAN Aux 8 turns on if either pressure is over whatever threshold you set.

You could probably make it flash by using a GP PWM output.

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Thank you, GP output was the missing piece of the puzzle.  Maybe there is a way to play with timers & math to get the lights to blink?

This is what I ended up with which seems to work well.


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To make them flash under higher pressures you could use a gp pwm instead of a gp output with the same conditions and then in the duty cycle table have the pressures on the axes with 100% DC for full on and 50% DC for flash.

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