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what happens at rpm greater than mapping table?


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Hopefully I can explain this properly.. RB26 R33 GTR the mapping values go in increments of 500 RPM Load vs RPM. This is the same for injector duty and Ignition.

Maximum RPM that you can enter values into is at 8000rpm. The rev limit is set to 8200. I can set the rev limit to 9K or higher if wanted but I cant add a timing or ignition value up there so after 8K what's the ign and inj doing? is it just using the value from the last box?

The reason im asking is that I change gear at 8k but it begins to hit soft limit. If i can raise the RPM limit by 200 rpm I wont have the issue.



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Right click the table and choose "Axis setup." You can add more columns to the right. If you've already somehow used up all 22 possible columns, you can eliminate some of the unnecessary breakpoints in linear areas. For example, your 5500rpm column seems completely superfluous as it's basically identical to the columns around it, at least from what's visible in the screenshot. 

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Hi. All good; I have spare columns so adding one for 8500 is fine. Im going to use the exact fuel values as 8k but drop the ignition a degree. All I want it for is an extra buffer so i don't hit the rpm limit.  

One more question if that's ok?... RPM table vs coolant temp: my table is in 10 degree increments. Lets say at 100degrees ect the limit is 8k and at 110degrees the limit is 4k (for example), does that mean at the ecu will give an RPM limit of 6k at 105 degrees? 


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