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350z DE w/G4+ won't start after engine harness swap

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I have a 350z DE that won't start after I replaced the engine harness. The car was running fine before the harness replacement. I replaced it due to a short in the throttle wires that would trigger the car to go into safe mode sometimes. I've checked all the connectors and everything is as it was before. It fires up for a quick second and dies. I've added fuel in the table with no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

Map link: https://1drv.ms/u/c/1a8f92a5edb03c32/EZwn-_8vrYZNtc9HBrYb9JMBwkSCm8zuqDlcL8-_JKguTQ?e=9o3DOv

Log link: https://1drv.ms/u/c/1a8f92a5edb03c32/ERLcNphGABdKiGrx4C25IBgBjZxJVQ-cMvLINEbrqMJVGQ?e=sPiSpL


I just deleted your other post as it was the same info. 

MAP sensor is not working.  AN Volt 8 is showing 0V.  

It should be AN Volt 9 unless you have wired an external one.  


You can use the external one, but you either have a wiring issue, sensor issue, or it isn't plugged in.  So correct that and it will likely start.  


I checked the connector and the line, they seem ok. Is there any way to test the sensor? Any other settings beside turning the AN Volt 9 on I need to do to use the internal sensor?

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