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No spark plugs nissan skyline r34 gtr


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I have come to load a program into my ecu that comes with the software I dovnloader to my PC, the program is nissan skyline gts-gtr, and has unfortunately not saved the old setup, so now the car will not start, it gets fuel but no spark at the spark plugs, what can I do other than make a factory setting.
The car is a nissan skyline r34 gtr with 1000ml fuel nozzles and stoket to 2.8

Regards søren denmark

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Hi soren,

Yes when you have your laptop on line to the ECU with the ignition turned on, press the F2 button on your laptop and save the PCL file as SOREN R34 GTR FILE.

When you post a reply here on the forum at the bottom of the box, you will see Attachments,

Hit the Browse button to locate your PCL file (TUNE FILE) on your laptop, it should be in your LINK G4 folder in the base maps folder, find the file named SOREN R34 GTR and double click it.

It will load into the Attachments box.

Then hit Post comment and the PCL file will upload to the forum.

One other thing what brand are your fuel injectors.



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Hi Soren,

Firstly make sure your dip switches are set correctly on the base board of the Plug in ECU to suit your car.

Download my attached file and load it into your ecu.

At a quick look you still had ECCS test TURNED ON, the engine will not fire with this turned on.

Also you had an AN TEMP 3 ERROR IAT at 5 Volts

The factory IAT goes to AN TEMP 2 so I changed that also.

Download this file press F4 to save it to the ECU.

Also carry out a MAP and TPS calibration, press F4  to save to ecu.

Warning if sparkplugs are wet with fuel or heavily carbon fouled the engine will not fire.

Let me know how you go.







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Hi Soren,

Do you have a wideband air fuel meter to check Air Fuel Ratio's.

You are running 1000 cc injectors, so at a guess I would adjust the fuel master back to 4 or 5 and check your AFR.

You need to run the engine until it has warmed up and there is no Warm up enrichment multipliers active.

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Hi Soren,

You need to load this file the one above is incorrect.

Laptop went spastic.

Once the engine is warmed up you need to adjust the idle fuel mixture at the idle site in the fuel main table.

You may have to trim the fuel master to a different value to achieve a desirable outcome.

You must also make sure you recheck the ignition timing.




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You will need to load this new PCL file as I forgot you have a GTR and I didn't allow for the multi throttle blades.

I have set the Fuel table axis to TPS for you.

To get to the fuel table you need to open the Tuning Tab at the top of the page.

Anything you wish to look at and/or adjust, you need to open the ECU SETTINGS TAB on the left of the page and select the parameter you wish to adjust or look at.

I have also attached a screenshot to show you.



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Hi, you really  need to data log while you are tuning.

If you open up the ECU settings tab on the left hand side of the page,

Open fuel tab,

Down the bottom of the tabs under fuel is your main fuel table 1, directly above that is your target air fuel table, it is setup with MAP (Manifold absolute pressure ) as your Y axis and RPM as your X axis.

If you right click on the AFR table and select AXIS setup you can rescale this table to what you want.



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