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I've get in a ej257 with bigger valves.Unfotunately the engine builter hasn't measured the valve to pistone clearence. Now  I'm wondering if there is somewhere a global max camshaft advance limit in the G4+? I will prevent to type accidently a to big number in the VVT table, while tuning.

If not, are there any plans to implement it?

Thanks for answer.  


Hi Adrian

Currently there isn't an option to do that, But it is a good idea that I'll pass through to engineering for the wish list.


Okay thanks. 

On the Subarus it could be dangerous to test the full range of adjustment, because the AVCS has physicaly 50degree adjustment (25degree at cam), but the standart Ecu's run only 30 degree on EJ257 and 40degree on EJ207, respectively 45 degree on Spec C. 


I have to set up the cam control on a buggy eye EDM STI MY2002. The car is equipped with a EJ257 MY 2007 singel AVCS, the EJ207 cam sensor is mounted in the front of the EJ257 engine. The cam sensors are EJ257 hall types, but the Link G+ V7,8,9.  is standart setted up for the EJ207 relucant type (2pin) cam sensor. 

What excactly must I change to run the hall type sensor on the V7,8,9 ECU? The offsets under DI cam calibration are very different on V10 and V7,8,9 ECU.

Thanks for help 


You will need to turn the Di pullups on and work through the cam test function to find the correct offset.

On the cam control side the only true safe way is to limit the cam movement mechanically as there is always the chance of a solenoid failure or loss of control due to an oil supply or pressure issue.

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