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start up advice

Paul Webster

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mazda mx5 vvt running extrme . car runs and idles perfectly i am just having problem getting it to start nicely , when you crank it first time it will not start let the key go and crank it again and it starts straight up . fuel pressure is good spark is good .it doesn't make any difference what temp the engine is same. 

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Thanks for the logs. When looking through them it looks like the MAP reading is varying between the two logs. This is then affecting the amount of fuel being injected and the ignition angle being applied.

Successful start:


Unsuccessful start:


The logging is at 10 Hz, which is fairly slow and may explain the difference. Would you mind changing your logging rate to 40 Hz and doing the logs again?



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Thanks for the new logs. One thing I noticed in the unsuccessful start log is that 'Prime Fuel' (pre-crank prime) shows as 0.0ms. Where-as in the successful start log the prime fuel is 29ms.

The Pre-crank Prime only occurs for the first time you crank the engine after the ECU powers up. From what you said in your first post the engine doesn't start on the first attempt, but then does on later attempts. Try turning pre-crank prime off and see how this affects the starting.


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