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Hi- Ive finally got my fuel map (Atom  G4+) pretty good over a long period of street driving/logging and tweeking .  But it still runs better with closed loop WB stoich mode enabled . I never had much success with mixture map because of over corrections going on . More than likely from bad set up . Anyway- What i want to know is - Can mixture map be set up with the same strategy or set up to work the same as closed loop WB stoich does ? At the mo im +/- 10 % and it smooths out any VE problems on my map . Any suggestions ?


Its not clear what you are asking.  Mixture map is only used after the fact to correct the fuel table from logged data, it is not a live, real time trim.  If you want data suitable for mixture map tuning then you really want CLL turned off during the logging.


Ok - i want to be able to set up mixture map to correct the fuel map the same way CLL does . So at the moment with CLL active as i drive it continually corrects based on my AFR target - . Is there a way i can turn off CLL and set up mixture map to apply the same correction strategy ?  Hope this is clearer ?  Its just ive been unsuccessful with using mixture map as i dont know how to set it up with out it making my fuel map worse - But CLL seems to correct pretty much the right amount as i drive .

3 hours ago, Ken Dunkley said:

Is there a way i can turn off CLL and set up mixture map to apply the same correction strategy ?

No you will have to turn off CLL, do some logging, then use mixture map on those logs to adjust your fuel table.  You can always save a backup of your map before using mixture map so you can roll back if it messes anything up.  If you wanted to attach your map and a log when you have one I will take a look and give my suggestions on what settings should work and which cells I would apply the mixture map correction to.


I have actually had some great success tuning with the CLL information for fine adjustment on my own car.

So I use the car to drive around everyday creating a log and every now and then I grab that log of an evening and see where the CLL is making the most changes and I alter the map where it is adjusting the most, eventually you will get it down to the CLL only making tiny adjustments.

This fine tuning is something that is normally not done as dyno time is expensive, it is sometime also parts of the map where its hard to get into on a dyno.


Thanks Clint.  Thats a plan . Are there any parameters or compensations that you log to help with this process or if i log the basics is it fairly straight forward to see where i need to make changes ?

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